Sense Of Wonder In Curiousity Research

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Who has ever read the book Curious?: Discovering Missing Ingredient to a Fulfilling Life by Todd B. Kashdan would have understood the value of curiosity. Similarly, Kathleen Moore also affirmed the importance of curiosity in her book Wild Comfort: The Solace of Nature, "to be worthy of the astonishing world, a sense of wonder will be a way of life…” (Moore, 36). Once again, "sense of wonder" embodies its role in contributing to a meaningful life. It is an crucial skill not only needs to be practiced but also requires to be applied in practice. According to Moore, “sense of wonder requires something new everyday” (Moore, 36). That is, when we look at a certain scene, it offers new things every time, even though the scene does not change. Moore …show more content…

When we learn something new or feel astonished, dopamine, a neurotransmitter in charge of good feeling is released into our bloodstream (Grison, Heatherton, & Gazzaniga, 2017). When we focus on new things and receive rewards from challenging situations, we have built and strengthened the bonding of neurons in the brain (Grison et al., 2017). Being curious and exploring the world protects people from brain diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's (Kashdan, 2010). That is why using “sense of wonder” to receive astonishment everyday is vital for both mental and physical health. “Sense of wonder” is necessary for being free from boredom because not everyone can afford to explore new countries. This sense helps us see incredible things in trivial normal scenes. If we observe the metamorphosis of a larva into a butterfly, we will be amazed by the marvellousness of nature. Nature with its power is capable of transforming an ugly larva into a splendid butterfly. Every day when there is something new to discover, that is the day worth living. Imagine that one day we woke up, and life had nothing new to learn, would we still see the meaning of life? Therefore, the function of "sense of wonder" is to engage us in life and motivate us to continue

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