Self Image and Judging Others

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Self Image and Judging Others Would you rather be called good-looking or attractive? Is there a difference between a good looking and attractive person? To many probably not but I believe there's a thin line that separates those two words. A person might be very good-looking yet not attractive. How is that possible one might ask? Well the answer is very simple; it all depends on the attitude and personality. While working at Express I get a chance to observe people, their behavior and image and what role it plays in overall appearance. Let's admit it we all judge people at one point or another. When you meet someone the first impression is solely based on looks. Some people look at the smile, some at the eyes, some at clothes, hair or height. Even if you don't want to admit it we judge people on their appearance. Yet that impression is very superficial and short lasting. When you go home the thing that stands out most in your mind is not the physical appearance but the overall image and that includes the attitude. So even though in today's society physical appearnace plays a significant role, it is the attitude that one projects which determines the overall image. So in order to distinguish the difference between good looks and attractivness we must see how both physical appearance and attitude effects each one of them. So lets start with physical appearance. The make up you wear, the clothes, shape of your body, hair are all part of your appearnace. Looking at someone these are qualities we first perceive. Physical appearance plays a huge role in our society. It helps you in many ways. People treat you differently when you look good. Let' s look at example. Working at Express I've realized that... ... middle of paper ... ...attitude. IT's John's good-looks that attracted you to him yet it's Bob's Attitude that made you spend the entire eveening with him. That night you won't think about John's good looks but Bob's amazing personality. From this example we see that attitude plays a much bigger role than good looks. Therefore we could easily say that good looking person has only a great physical appearance while an attractive person might have good looks but what makes him stand out from the crowd is his attitude. So which is better to be attractive or good-looking? I think everyone can answer this question by themselves. So the next time you are judging someone wait to from your opinion about them until you see their true attitude because looks can deceive an eye. And please do me a favor don't judge the book by its cover because you might miss out on someone very special.

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