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Essays about transgender
Essays about transgender
Transgender research paper
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Being Trans gender is when a person’s self identity does not conform with their conventional sex. Talking about people identifying as a transgender individual is a difficult and very controversial topic to discuss. One author, Ruth Padawer has brought the topic to light, presenting us with examples from one of the most prestigious women’s colleges in the United States. In her piece, “Sisterhood is Complicated” from 2014, she ponders on the idea of if people who identify as transgender should be allowed in an all women’s college. In her piece, she states that “Some two dozen other matriculating students at Wellesley don’t identify as women. Of those, a half dozen or so were trans men, people born female who identified as men, some of whom had begun taking testosterone to change their bodies.” All of which made the switch to be transgender after being accepted into the school. So, in a college of all women, some are switching genders and it challenges the idea of an all women’s college. The piece continues to go through and tell us the story of three trans men and their experience at Wellesley college.
The first student Padawer talks about in the piece is Timothy. Timothy wanted to be a part of the student government. Timothy’s
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It is a danger, both mentally and physically, to these transgender students attending an all women’s school. I believe Padawer does a fine job informing us as readers on a modern issue like transgender through stories of students at Wellesley College. They face problems such as bullying, humiliation, and sexual assault every day, and the problem is often neglected because they are
The definition of gender has become way more revolutionary and expressive compared to the twentieth century. Gender used to be similar to sex where someone would be identified as a male or female based on their biological genitals however, this day in age it is way more complex. Someone can be born a male but mentally they feel like a male. In “Sisterhood is complicated” Ruth Padawer explains the journey of different transgender males and the obstacles they face while attending Wellesley college. Wellesley is a women’s college that has been around for a very long time and is in the process of the battling the conflict of whether they should admit transgender students. Ariel Levy author of “Female Chauvinist Pigs” tackles the stereotypes and
“‘Abortion rights and reproductive justice is not a women’s issue,’ wrote Emmett Stoffer, one of many self-described transgender persons to blog on the topic. It is ‘a uterus owner’s issue.’ Mr. Stoffer was referring to the possibility that a woman who is taking hormones or undergoing surgery to become a man, or who does not identify as a woman, can still have a uterus, become pregnant and need an abortion.” (Elinor Burkett, “What Makes a Woman?”)
Susan Faludi unfolds a world of male domination and its interrelationships within its confines and places women in the center of her story. Indeed it truly took an extremely self-confident woman to even entertain the idea of entering an all-male academic college like the Citadel, whose front gate practically reads like that of a young boys fort that makes the bold statement, “No girls allowed they have coodies.” Shannon Falkner was a strong willed woman with an immense amount of confidence to completely omit her gender on the Citadel application to enter this college. As if gender was not an issue, or should have never been an issue in
Almost immediately we are faced with the conflict of everyday life for Brittany, and as she enters the main setting of the story and a place that should be a safe environment she is immediately besieged. The author, using simple diction, describes another morning at school for Brittany where we see how her classmates attack her verbally with derogatory terms such as “Dyke” and “Whore”(Erdly 253). Because of this and other more physical bullying we see a safe setting become a source of anxiety and fear, and instead of combating the problem the school district does nothing. In clearly understandable writing Erdely deciphers the situation and relates to us how the school district passed a regulation effectively stating that staff “shall remain neutral on matters regarding sexual orientation” (Erdely 264). Effectively preventing children in need of guidance and role models from reaching out. The author uses an easily relatable setting, common vernacular, a clear point of view and familiar events to highlight the issues in this essay. Those issues detail the conflict that LGBTQ children face from people that don’t empathize with them, and understand that just because of who they are doesn’t mean that they aren’t still children in
“Qualitative study that paints a picture of what life is like for transgender people, Wyss (2004) interviewed seven transgender high school students and asked them about their experiences at school. … Many report that not just other students harassed them but that people they even considered friends would either help or join with assailants during physical attacks. Two of the students were set on fire in school. There were also constant threats of sexual assault, or coercive sex, or physical assault, both verbal threats and notes left in lockers.”
When transgender people are able to use the knowledge as a tool, the outcomes may be constructive for his or her personal development. Janet Mock relates how she takes advantage of her knowledge “Mom allowed me to spend my back-to-school clothing allowance on skirts, dresses, tight denim jeans, and tops. As long as I brought home good grades” (Mock 144). Sometimes transgender people go to school dress up with clothes of the opposite gender by knowing that they are following the school dress code. Some staff members assume that transgender people violate the school dress code.
Imagine going through life believing that you were born into the wrong body. This is how a transgender feels as they go through life. A transgender is a person who whose self-identity does not conform unambiguously to male or female sex. This topic is very controversial due to many arguments about the differences between the male and female physique. The natural biological differences between males and a females play a huge role in this controversy.
Transgender is an umbrella term, meaning an individual’s gender-identity does not align with their assigned sex at birth. Although transgender is a protected class in eighteen states, these individuals still face discrimination within the country and around the world (“Non-Discrimination Laws”). Transgender is not a lifestyle, no one chooses to live their life constantly being discriminated against. Transgender issues should be more educated on and their lives should be more protected.
In paragraph 10, Fraas proclaims, “In another study of transgender K-12 students, 31 percent reported verbal harassment by teachers or staff for their gender. Another 5 percent reported physical assault assault by teachers and 3 percent reported sexual assault…53 percent of those lost to anti-queer hate murders in 2012 were trans women. ” Though Fraas uses statistics for this quote, any parent would feel awe struck by how mistreated these students are in school. This quote is important, because it can be anyone’s child and for that reason Fraas is able to get other college’s attention by sending them a message that parents want their kids to go to a safe school. If colleges openly accept trans students, parents will want to send their children to that college over an un-accepting college where these percentages are more likely to come
When an individual identifies themselves as transgender, it means that they feel that their biological gender does not match with their psychological gender. To put that into a simple man’s term, the individual feels they “were born in the wrong body”. For example, a man feels that he was meant to be born a woman and vise-versa. It does sound rather unusual, but why should that matter? An individual should be able to make his or her own decisions about how they live their life. Unfortunately though, not everyone feels the same way about this. That is how the controversy is created. This is why transgender rights should be strengthened in America not only because it is morally correct, but also because it would ease the lives of the people within this group, reduce the discrimination and harassment rates of transgender individuals, and help establish awareness.
After learning and reviewing the action continuum chart in this class it brought a specific quote to my mind, “if you’re not a part of the solution, you’re a part of the problem,” while I was aware of other forms of oppression, I only really involved myself with topics and intervention tactics that dealt with racism and sexism, as these were the two areas directly affecting me and my life. One of the topics in this course that stood out to me was the discussion on transgender oppression, before coming to college, information about the transgender community and even sectors of the LGBTQ community was somewhat taboo to me..
Transgender Today Nowadays, there are lot of unexpected changes coming in our lives every day which are challenging to our society. Gender issues are one of the hot topics among new changes. Transsexuality is a critical part of this gender issue. After reading the article “Night to his day” by Judith Lorber, I found a clarification regarding the social construction of gender. While looking for some facts about transgender, I have also found a lot of articles with different points of views from researchers, scientists and individuals who have transformed from their origin to transgender men/women.
Female institutions have changed throughout the years to accommodate the 21st century generation. Women’s colleges started forming with the purpose to advance the rights of women and allow them to have a place for themselves where they can practice those rights. However, today they have started admitting transgender applicants which has sparked a debate amongst people because of the many opinions there are on admitting someone who has changed their birth gender to the opposite gender into an institution that was made to educate women and women only. Some argue that women’s colleges should remove any and all strict policies and admit transgender students because they have the right to not be discriminated against. However others think that there
We, as human beings, should be involved in the idea of supporting rights and equality for transgenders because they are one of us no matter what they believe. It definitely matters to the audience to aware of since discrimination against transgender is still a susceptible issue, not only defense against gender minorities, but also against human rights generally. If we do not start correcting this problem, our family members or children may experience the unavoidable consequences of it themselves in the future. We need to fight to protect the rights and safety of transgender nonconforming students to be treated with respect at school as well as their parents.
Because America views gender in only two categories, people who upset the binary are subject to mass discrimination by members of the general public, causing them to lose their homes, jobs, or life savings. For example, in a study of Northeastern business students, 34 percent gave a hostile response when approached with a situation regarding a transgender employee. Each student was given the same scenario where a female employee was uncomfortable sharing the bathroom with a male-to-female transitioning co-worker. Of the 194 students, only 27 percent gave an inclusive response, making all restrooms gender neutral (Rudin 726). The study exemplifies how transgender individuals are misunderstood and discriminated against in the workforce and even in the broader society. It is shown that transgender people are more mentally secure when they exist in a society that accepts their identity. Michael, a transgender man, cites the importance of support networks and the assistance that comes with it. His mom is “still pretty hostile about” his gender identity, which has affected his life negatively and has made it harder for him to talk to her openly (Dentice