Self-Help-Support Group Observation

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The purpose of this paper to discuss and summarize the experiences I had during my observation at two Self-Help/Support Groups. This paper will report my experience and observations at each meeting detailing the content and relevant information for our textbook. Throughout this paper I will discuss the purpose of Self help and Support groups. How well the purpose was served. If the leadership style and roles were effective for the group. To make an informed decision I will consider group size, content, disclosure and group behaviors. Which all topics discussed in class. As well, keeping in mind how some behaviors may be a healthy stage in group development. The groups I observed where an Alcoholic Anonymous group (A.A.)called between drinks …show more content…

Benny was also the clown within the group. A clown exhibits rarely serious when others wanted to be serious (Zastrow, 2015, p.137). He would often bring up funny topics that would get off task. For instance, he discussed how he liked coming to the school cafeteria, because he does not stay far from the campus. Mr. Benny discussed the women and buffet for at least five minutes. Dr. Savage addressed this disruptive behavior minimizing it. She refocused the group by asking if would like to meet at cafeteria for their next meeting since the meeting was held at lunch time. The technique disruptive behavior minimizing is simply letting the member expresses their thoughts or ideas and addressing (Zastrow ,2015, p.140). Dr. savage leadership roles in this group was a direction giver, communication helper, active listener, and a diagnoser. Dr. savage gave directions to members and family to write down challenges and success. Dr. Savage assisted Gary writing down his thoughts when he had and read them to group understand his challenges for the month. She was diagnoser explaining to his that he may need a device to assist with his communication. From observation the leadership style of the Stroke Support Group is the servant leadership approach style. Servant leadership approach considers when working with and ask herself how he or she can help other problems and increase person development (Zastrow, 2015, p.90). Dr. Savage actively takes notes and gives advice according to the things she has observed. The defense mechanism I observed in this group was isolation. Dr. Francis from the group after several attempts to communicate with the other members after failing to communicate he isolated himself. He did not speak for the rest of meeting. Isolation the separation object from the emotions associated with it results in the person showing no emotion to the object (Zastrow, 2015, p. 159). Dr. Savage did attempt several times to include Dr.

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