Seguro Popular Healthcare

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Having the divided health care system for the population of Mexico is considered to be inadequate, especially since the citizens of Mexico are demanding better needs of medical care and will soon respond properly to those possible changes (Camuñez & Jones, 2015). Even though healthcare is provided to everyone, it is unequal to those who need the high-quality care, but cannot afford it. The best strength of the healthcare delivery system of Mexico beholds is it is universal in the county. It is with the help of Seguro Popular that has helped millions of Mexicans have access to health insurance and proper healthcare (López, Valle, & Aguilera, 2015). The main vision of Seguro Popular is to provide effective access to quality care, regardless of …show more content…

For example, having to respond and understand the population’s needs, needing to use the resources given more efficiently and being able to make a positive achievement somehow, and ensuring that the healthcare will last throughout the life course, and the quality of medical care that is being provided (López, Valle, & Aguilera, 2015). The government officials of Mexico have made a tremendous movement with being able to help their own citizens out with having universal healthcare. Many people already cannot afford to properly look after themselves, now they can at least receive professional help. Even though the Seguro Popular is flawed in a way, it has helped millions of people and saved quite a lot of individuals from falling more into their sickness and illness. Nothing is perfect, but they are taking small steps into helping their residence, and just like the medical services the resident of America receive, it will vary between doctors and other …show more content…

Even though it is a challenge, the Mexican health care system should continue with being responsive in any way to their resident’s health needs. Focus more intensively on the individuals who are not capable of affording the best health care insurance to meet the kinds of their serious illness. According to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), there should be more health workers. There are about 2.2 physicians and 2.7 nurses per every 1,000 patients, while the OCED has an average of 3.2 physicians and 8.7 nurses (López, Valle, & Aguilera, 2015). If Mexico is already providing universal health care to it residents, then they should be able to put more individuals in positions of physicians and nurses. Another suggestion for better health care is providing foster primary care in more rural and remote areas of the country, and providing those residents with professionals that will work evening and weekends because most people are not available during the typical medical visit hours (López, Valle, & Aguilera, 2015). This would be a great idea since most of the illegal marriages and relationships of women and young girls occur in rural areas of Mexico. The medical professionals will be able to check-up on the young girl and their possible child. The way the medical professionals treat the patients can make a dramatic difference in the

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