Segregation And Cultural Differences In Dreams From My Father By Barack Obama

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Dreams from My Father by Barack Obama is about Barack Obama’s life before he became who he is today. It is about his life before he ran for Senate starting with his parents and his childhood. Dreams from My Father did a good job at addressing many aspects that have been covered in class, such as discrimination, segregation, and cultural differences. This book allowed the readers to understand the differences in an African American’s life growing up compared to their own as Obama shared his experiences with racism. Obama wasted no time getting to the subjects that mattered. He began the book talking about his late father and the stories he has heard about him and his mother as a mixed race couple. Dreams of My Father starts with Obama …show more content…

He explains his mother’s upbringing in a small town in Kansas, where discrimination was still prevalent, to her family moving to Hawaii where she meets Barack’s father. They face social judgement as a mixed race couple. On page 12 it says, “Their very image together would have been considered lurid and perverse, a handy retort to the handful of softheaded liberals who supported a civil rights agenda. Sure—but would you let your daughter marry one?” This quote shows there was a movement happening, but it was difficult to see the change happen even for the people who were not for segregation. Barack tries to understand both sides of his family from his white mother and his black father. Barack’s mother marries a man from Indonesia, Lolo. His mother wanted him to have an American education and while he is in elementary school in Hawaii, Barack notices kids’ judgement for his father’s …show more content…

This book shows our president has encountered numerous forms of discrimination, but still runs our country with equality. It shows how far America has come from hating blacks to having Barack in the white house. Dreams from My Father was different because it is written by our current president, but before he was in the Senate or the White House. It shows how far a man can come in his life even if he experiences discrimination. The beliefs of inequality cannot hold a man

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