Security Essay: The Importance Of National Security

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Importance of National Security Abstract Security is the main concept of studying international relations. Among the various types of security, the national security is the most important one in 21st Century. After the cold war, universal human rights emerge for individual human beings. However, some rights can threaten the national security. Right to nationality is the most important one which can threaten the national security. Right to nationality gives a human all basic rights within the state’s territory. Right to nationality is related to the national security and under the constitutions of the different states. In Myanmar, the right to nationality to Bengalis is very sensitive issue nowadays. Bengalis are not citizens historically but …show more content…

The definition of national security differs from states to states and institutions to institutions. According to Hans Morgenthau, national security is defined as the integrity of the national territory and its institutions”. In the national security, security is not only in terms of military securing the borders but also secure the human, culture and politics within the limited boundaries of the state. In many countries, national security is defined as the protection of the constitutional …show more content…

They are socio- political stability, territorial integrity, economic solidarity and strength, ecological balance, cultural cohesiveness, moral spiritual consensus and external peace. National security is also the protection of national values from various threats. National security consists of the security of the national territory, protection of the lives, properties of its populations, existence and maintenance of its national sovereignty, and exercise of its basic functions of its society. Dyke (1966) argues that “there is no doubt that national security embodies the sovereignty of the state, the inviolability of its territorial boundaries, and the right to individual and collective self- defense against internal and external threats. But the state is secure only when the aggregate of people organized under it has a consciousness of belonging to a common sovereign political community; enjoy equal political freedom, human rights, economic opportunities, and when the state itself is able to ensure independence in its development and foreign policy.” Universal Declaration of Human

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