Second Amendment: Protection, Rights, and Safety

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The Second Amendment allows every legal U.S. citizen “the right of the people to keep and bear arms” and it shall not be infringed. This right is to protect the lives of every U.S. citizen, to exercise our rights daily, and to protect us if the government becomes too powerful. Most people believe that owning a gun increases homicides, suicide, and crime when in reality, owning a gun in today’s society has decreased rates on these three topics. As of 2012, homicides using firearms have decreased by 11,078 and is at its lowest rate since 1981. Also, aggravated assault using a firearm or weapon has decreased by 138,336 by 2012 and is at its lowest rate since 2004. While most Americans believe guns influence gun violence, the statistics prove that over the last decade the legal ownership of firearms has caused the amount of homicides and assaults to decrease. Keep in mind, most gun owners believe you should still qualify to own a gun by passing several mental inspections and criminal record background checks. Americans who are pro-gun still believe in gun safety. The CDC stated that the …show more content…

If we take away this right, our government officials could go on a power trip and we would lose all control as far as our rights are concerned. According to a survey in 2013, 57% of people said that gun control laws would “give too much power to the government over the people”. The National Rifle Association also had an opinion on the topic stating, “If you look at why our Founding Fathers put the Second Amendment there, they had lived under the tyranny of King George and they wanted to make sure that these free people in this new country would never be subjugated again and have to live under tyranny”. We were not given this right to murder others, rob others, or hunt for sport; we were given this right to protect ourselves against tyranny and

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