Sea Turtle Research Paper

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Today, seven species of sea turtle deem the ocean as their home. These gentle creatures have thrived on earth since the dinosaurs roamed the lands (some 110 million years ago); yet in recent years, six of the seven species have become critically endangered or vulnerable to endangerment (wwf 2016). This result is in direct correlation with the negative impact human beings have inflicted, and continue to inflict, upon the planet. It’s no coincidence that the population of sea turtles has plummeted as the human population has risen, for along with the expansion of humans comes the expansion of consumerism, which is ultimately the root of devastation for the sea turtles. Human beings could substantially reduce their negative impact on these innocent
Ocean dead zones, caused by the runoff of livestock feces, are large areas in the water where oxygen levels have been exhausted due to nitrogen contamination, or livestock waste. These dead zones are commonly found along the warm, coastal regions, such as the Gulf of Mexico, where sea turtles make their homes. As dead zones expand the sea turtles and other sea life present suffocate due to the lack of oxygen in the water. The widespread implementation of a plant-based (vegan) diet would help put an end to the spillage of 335 million tons of manure into our waterways (Macklin 2015), saving thousands of turtles and allowing them to replenish their population along with bringing an end to the poisoning of the oceans. Furthermore, the sea turtles are in danger of being killed and discarded by commercial fishermen. “Bycatch” is defined as the untargeted ocean life caught during commercial fishing; “sustainable” commercial fishing practices are known to catch anywhere from five to twenty pounds of bycatch for every pound of the desired species. Each year, hundreds of thousands of endangered turtles account for a portion of the untargeted species (Gunther 2010). With extinction already a grave possibility, these senseless practices are detrimental to the endangered turtle
This beautiful world, and all of the creatures who inhabit it, are suffering at the expense of one species, ours. Sea turtles are merely a harbinger for the impending doom that shall come to the oceans should we continue to meander along our destructive pathway. People could live in harmony with the earth, if only they were to set aside selfish desires and conveniences. Embracing an environmentally-friendly, sea turtle-friendly lifestyle is not difficult, in fact, it’s quite simple. The challenge is the initial plunge, the first breath taken within conscious

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