Scientific Techniques Used In Supersize Me

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“Supersize Me” is a riveting documentary about one man’s challenging, Morgan Spurlock, to eat fast food for thirty days and to see the effects on the human body. The movie also shows the psychological and social effect of the American people by fast food companies. The movie in itself was a scientific method; containing all four types were used surveys, observations, experiments, and existing sources. As a documentary, it has no choice but to gather data from within or existing sources and display them to the public.
First scientific method was in the category of surveys, Morgan uses interviews, and in the beginning of the movie, he interviewed the citizens of New York about their thoughts on fast food. Following those interviews, Morgan interviewed his three doctors on their thoughts of this challenge all said some weight gain maybe some vitamin imbalance but not too much more. The second scientific method Morgan used was in the category of experiments, the movie was in itself an experiment, and Morgan had to eat all his meals from McDonalds and had to eat at least one thing from the entire menu. Another experiment in the movie used was children looking at pictures of well-known figures of the world including Jesus and most of them …show more content…

Morgan talked to faculty members who cook and create the lunch menus, which were not that healthy, and students to see what they were really eating, most ate just french fries. There were not many healthy alternatives for the kids, a lot of processed frozen foods, only six meals out of the month was home cooked. The forth method Morgan used was existing sources, a powerful tool when eating junk for thirty days. Morgan gathered from other sources all of McDonalds nutritional statistics, plus the concerning overweight statistics of America. This created a baseline for the experiment and for further research of secondary

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