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Essay school shootings
Essay school shootings
The causes of school shootings in America
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School Shootings Nikolas Cruz a nineteen year old guy have went to South Florida High School to threat the citizens. His violets are really out of control right after his mother’s death last year in November. The law enforcement have been warn to Cruz about his behavior. On Thanksgiving day Nikolas have worked at the Dollar Tree store. When the Sheriff office had fine out that Nikolas was hiding a gun before he has his job. My opinion is that Nikolas behavior is a extreme true because he had choose to threaten people in a ridiculous way if the cops won’t turn him in very sooner before it’s too late. Citizens needs to be safe away from Cruz before things will happen. On February 14th 2018 on Valentine’s day a series mass shooting at
South Florida High School. The law enforcement was worried that they couldn’t find Cruz until it confused about his identiful. Before the situation started months back Gold had explain about their mother’s death. He is upset that no one cares about their mother. Cruz have been literally been changed after the tridgely about his mother when through a diagnosed with pneumonia. Rock Deschamps had explain about Cruz got suffer of his loss of his mother before he starting become different to decide to become a murder. In the past two decades the school shooting had been became more common to those people “ ( Pagliery ).
...ng to purchase that semi-automatic AR-15. All they need to buy the firearm is to be over 18, have a conceal and carry license, and not be a convicted felon. It is becoming way too easy for even underage minors to get their hands on these types of weapons. Guns need to be put away in a gun safe or some other type of storage. This way, the rifles are protected from burglary, but they are also kept out of the reach of young children who might misuse the firearms. Such as the boy who used a 20-gauge shotgun owned by his father, after he modified it by sawing off the barrel himself, to open fire in his middle school gym. This young teenager was in middle school and attempting this. We need to stop and think how much differently the day could have ended had he been Adam Lanza’s age with that kind of firepower. Would there be another mass shooting worse than Sandy Hook?
In December 2014 an elementary school was attacked by an armed gunman. The shooter’s name was Adam Lanza. He killed twenty first graders an...
It is a sad time in American history when one can easily recount recent school shootings in their own area. This ease stems from a sharp increase in the number of firearms brought into elementary and middle schools across the country, with an intense focus on the issue beginning after the shooting of 20 children from Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut. Most school shooters are male, white, and often upper middle class. They are also more, often than not, under some type of mental stress that is causing them to create this type of violence in our communities. In fact, many school shooters are never suspected of doing any harm to their peers and teachers until it is much too late.
Family environment and the press are two major influences resulting in the recent tragic school shootings. As much as society continues to focus the killing rampages on factors such as television and music, what children are exposed to in reality contributes to the violence. The most recent school shooting in Michigan involved a six-year-old first grader who killed a classmate with a .22 caliber pistol. The news coverage had vanished after two or three days, and I was left wondering what had happened. Considering the fact that the media wore the Columbine incident out, I wanted to know why they did not pay more attention to this school shooting. As evidence did arrive, it was discovered that the child lived in a household where cocaine, heroin, and many other illegal drugs were commonplace. Also in this “home” guns were easily accessible to the child. Children growing up in this type of environment certainly are likely to be held accountable for future violence. Even though I am against the news media presenting too much school violence, Americans should have been deeply disturbed by this shooting because of the child’s young age. The Michigan shooting should have enlightened Americans to the dilemma we face in this country. Two weeks after the Columbine High School shooting, information on the mass murder was still being broadcast on television. The press was feeding young viewers ideas on how to kill their classmates. News was reported how the teenage murderers acquired information regarding building bombs, obtaining guns, smuggling guns into the school, and proceeding to kill their classmates. A mentally unstable teenager could simply watch these news reports and write a book entitled, “How to Slay Your Classmates”. This onslaught was ridiculous and the news coverage should not have been permitted to continue for countless weeks. Society has determined three reasons on which to blame the shootings. First, the nation blamed it on television’s violent programs. Following that, Americans gave the music recording companies the evil eye as well as attacking the gun manufacturers. All of these reasons involve material objects that are unable to think for themselves. Televisions and CD players do not control themselves, people control them. Finally, boundaries controlling the television programs children view should be set by the parents. The same explanation applies to firearms. How can it be a gun’s fault that a person killed another human being?
Preventing School Shootings From 1980’s till now, there are has been many school shootings. Many researchers have made many hypotheses as to why these occur. The most tragic shooting took place in Sandy Hook Elementary. 2.
On April 16th, 2007 Cho had created one of the most deadly school shootings in America. ( "Virginia Tech Shootings Fast Facts." CNN.) It was unfathomable to think that in the close future, America would encounter many more detrimental school shootings. This is including the shooting of elementary students in Newtown, CT where Adam Lanza had shot and killed 27 children and faculty. Lanza had been known to have significant health issues that had kept him from living a normal life. (Sanchez, Ray, Chelsea J. Carter in Atlanta, Yon Pomrenze in New York, and The CNN New York Bureau Staff. ) Both of these shooters had killed themselves shortly after their attacks. School violence has become a nation-wide issue.
Americans are faced with a huge problem of violence in the streets, these streets have become a place where old people are beaten for their social security checks, where little women are attacked and raped, where teen aged thugs shoot it out for some turf to sell their illegal drugs, and finally where small children everyday are caught in the way of bullets during drive by shootings. We try to ignore the criminals in our society and how they hurt it, but we shouldn’t. We should take actions to stop these acts of crazy people. And people try, but the hard work of some misguided individuals to stop the legal ownership of guns doesn’t really affect the problem at all, and takes the guns from the innocent citizens, who simply want means of self defense.
"A Brief History of NRA." A Brief History of NRA. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2015.
  ; High School shootings have been occurring throughout the United States. Why is it that a student would come into their school and open fire? Why is it that no one notices the signs before the incident? How is it possible that they were able to bring the firearm into the school?
My subtopic was gun violence in schools “school shootings.” There have been many schools shooting and most of them had many innocent people dying because of one or two people who had committed these horrible crimes. There are many things that should be done to help innocent people from getting hurt and prevent this from happening again. One thing that should happen is to put guns away or just getting rid of them. People get guns many different ways as you may already know. Sometimes we would just want guns to vanish and everyone one to have peace in the world. Gun violence in schools occurs around the world not only in the United States. The news inform us about the many other countries that are attacked and children or students that have been killed because of terroirs groups. People aren’t safe now days in places that we should believe schools are safe. Many parents are nervous sending their children to school because of the different stories they hear about on the news and from others.
Imagine being able to get your hands on a gun in your community with ease when you were younger. Sounds cool right? Well, to some it might and that’s how young children are living in our communities now-a-days. Kids are able to get guns as long as they have parents with guns or the money to buy one. There aren’t enough restrictions on guns & who can get a hold of them on the streets and parents aren’t doing a well enough job of hiding their guns from their children. Something needs to be done. Too many children and young adults are being injured and murdered by something that is supposed to protect them. The ease in which youths are able to possess guns needs to be stopped. The harder it is for kids to get guns, the safer they’ll be.
If someone were to rely solely on television media, it wouldn’t surprise me if he/she thought that America’s schools were being taken over by these so-called “juvenile super predators.” The American people would assume that every quiet kid who gets picked on is going to turn around in school one day and start unloading his newly acquired firearms on his peers. This is hardly the case. While there may be an occasional “super-predator,” the media has highly over publicized these rare, extraordinary events.
How did the Sandy Hook school effect America and school safety? It was a Friday in Newtown, Connecticut, and on this day Adam Lanza Killed 28 innocent people. No one really knows why Lanza did what he did. But people have thought that the reason he shot up the school was that he battled with mental illness. He had a Sensory processing disorder and Asperger’s Syndrome which is a type of Autism.(Owings 17 and 19) There are also rumors that he had a very hard time when his Mom and Dad got divorced.(Owings 20) When he was in high school a teacher he really likes introduce him to a club that he thought Lanza would like. And which Lanza did. Lanza stayed at the club until the teacher left about two years later. Lanza
As of late, the American public has been plagued by mass shootings; events where an in-dividual, or individuals, with access to firearms, open fire on people. Compared to other devel-oped countries the United States holds the highest rates of gun violence and mass shootings; both of which are complex issues which affect Americans regardless of socioeconomic status. (Christensen, 2017)
The United States is one of the only countries with the continuing problem of mass murder. 58 people lost their lives and more than 50 were injured when a man opened fire at an outdoor country music festival in Las Vegas on October 1st, 2017 (Hanley 6). This is one of countless massacres that have occurred in the United States. It is no surprise when one turns the TV on in the morning and a “News Flash” story pops up on the latest shooting. Gregory Kate of USA Today states that there has been greater than 200 events of mass murder in the past 10 years. It is no secret that guns are an easily accessible weapon in the United States, and in numerous other countries that is not the case. Most people can obtain a firearm with a simple, online background check on a computer. Within minutes the check is completed. Kate states the only people to be declined would be: "felons, fugitives, drug addicts, the mentally ill, illegal immigrants, some legal immigrants, people