School Policy On Bullying Speech

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School Policy On Bullying Speech

Good Morning everybody. I am here today - as I'm sure you're all

aware, to give a persuasive presentation on how to deal with bulling

at your schools.

Has a pupil in your class ever been bullied? I am quite sure that on

at least one occasion you have had to deal with this major problem.

Today I hope to give you all extra confidence on dealing with this

subject. You mustn't be affraid to help, as long as you do it in the

correct manor. I hope to persuade you all in making a school policy on

bullying. This is the best way on dealing with this anti social

behaviour in a rational, professional and understanding way. If you

yourself have been bullied then you will understand how the child

feels. This may sound odd, but have you, a teacher ever been bullied

by a pupil? So many teachers are being abused but they don't report it

or ignore it- I am here to persuade you to deal with this. It isn't

your fault- it's only ever the bully's fault.

It is important that you understand why the bullying is in process. Do

you know why the child is doing the bullying? There are all sorts of

reasons why children bully- the main reason being in power. Some

bullies may have been bullied themselves and deal with their own fears

by distressing others. Another common reason is that they are outcasts

and feel that this is the only way to gain attention.

Are you able to identify the type of bullying? Name-calling and

teasing are both common types of bullying, but boys will sometimes use

strength to bully others, whereas girls will usually exclude someone

from a group or may spread hurtful stories about them. But the most...

... middle of paper ...

...g their pupils learn skills in conflict resolution, support and

'buddying' schemes can also play a useful part on cracking down on

bullying. But making a school policy is by far the best way to sort

this problem out because it involving the whole school as a school

rule rather than just those pupils those choose to go along to the

learning clubs.

Children who have been badly bullied may need therapy- to avoid this

from happening at your school I would advise you to start a school

policy and crackdown on the bullies that make other pupils lives at

your school a misery.

Thank you very much for listening. I hope I have given you an insight

into the way that bullies are able to operate and I hope I have been

able to persuade you into thinking about making a school policy to

discontinue their anti- social behaviour.

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