Schizoaffective Disorders Case Study

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The presenting patient is a thirty-eight-year-old, Caucasian male, who was involuntarily admitted to Acadia Hospital on March nineteenth, with the admitting diagnoses of schizoaffective disorder and bipolar type. Police brought the patient to the emergency department after the patient was found dancing in and out of traffic, shirtless in fifteen-degree weather, and threatening employees and customers in local shops. Upon police custody the patient reportedly requested that they retrain him, for their comfort, and shoot him. Following medical clearance from the emergency department the patient was admitted, while displaying characteristics of grandiosity, psychosis, and reports of threating behaviors in the community. The patient has no known …show more content…

However, this is the patient’s first psychiatric admission. His current allergies include: penicillin, which results in erythema; sulfa drugs, which result in a rash; periorbital, with unknown reactions; Clindamycin, which causes nausea and vomiting; angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor, which causes unknown reactions; and lastly Phenobarbital, which results in unknown reactions. The patient is currently prescribed: 50 mg of Indomethacin, 1 mg of Clonazepam, 50 mg Losartan, 1 puff of Albuterol, 0.1 mg of Clonidine, 112 mcg of Levothyroxine, 90 mcg of Budesonide Flexhaler, 40 mg of Ziprasidone, and medical marijuana. His current over the counter medications include: 1000 mg of Extra Strength Tylenol as needed, an unspecified dosage of Fish-Oil daily, and 1 tsp of Metamucil daily. He denied the use of any herbal supplements or recreational drugs. The patient is currently prescribed individual, group, and milieu therapies as complementary therapies at this …show more content…

Furthermore, there was no documentation regarding past routine healthcare visits found in his medical record, besides the names of his previous healthcare providers.
His immunization status was also unknown. However, a Tuberculin skin test was preformed, and a negative result was verified prior to admission at Acadia Hospital. In regards to childhood immunizations the patient stated, “I had Roseola as a child, and febrile seizures due to

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