Scarlet Letter Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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Nathaniel Hawthorne was a novelist in the 19th century, who often wrote descriptive stories throughout his book The Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne uses setting, allusions, metaphors, irony, diction, and varied tone to reveal the characters in the novel. The Scarlet Letter takes place in the Massachusetts Bay Colony during the 17th century, this is where the Puritans settled after leaving the New World because they wanted to “purify” the Church of England. The Puritans were a section of Protestant Christians influenced by Calvinism, the idealized that salvation is predestined. They believed that religious behavior was a result of salvation, with the Puritan communities invested in purity of sins and were punished harshly and removed. Hawthorne sets …show more content…

The use of irony is linked with the elements of sin, guilt, and judgement which proves the novel's effectiveness. “... that i should take in hand to drive Satan out of her with stripes” (Hawthorne 49), Master Brackett is explaining that is if Chillington can't make her subjective to authority than him to bring himself to whip the devil out of her. Hawthorne uses the irony to make social criticism and a religious society. Basically what seems truly good for what is good in the eyes of the church. “...his dawning light would be extinguished…”(Hawthorne 82), this phrase is ironic because it's telling unnatural features. Dawn usually brings light, but because of the minister’s unwellness the light is dying at dawn. This symbol of light is a symbol of good, this is referencing more than just the mortality of Dimmesdale. “He won it, indeed, in great part, by his sorrow” (Hawthorne 97), the irony is seen in how Dimmesdale’s internal guilt and self hatred has “won”him popularity and respect of the townspeople. This shows that people aren't always how they appear to the public.“Thou hast escaped me!” he repeated more than once. “Thou hast escaped me!”(Hawthorne 175), this is an example of dramatic irony. The commoners don't really know who Chillington is so they take this as him being frantic because his patient passed away.However, Chillingworth most likely means Dimmesdale has been relinquished of his plot of

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