Satire Essay On Illegal Immigrants

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Even though the majority of illegal immigrants that come to our country pose little to no threat whatsoever, the US government still keeps them out, in fear that America will turn to chaos if they get what they want. The immigrants are still human, and they deserve a place to rebuild a new life. The immigrants would even become new citizens to help with the booming nation of America. Despite this, most people are opposed to the idea not only because of the threat, but also because it would only dig us deeper into the hole of debt that we’re already in. As of February ninth, the US is 16 trillion dollars in debt. That’s just too much. The immigrants take jobs from our youth and would only cause trouble. The US needs to keep them out. Illegal Immigrants shouldn’t be granted amnesty, for if they were, America’s crime rates would rise, our youth would have their jobs stolen, and our US taxpayers would be in even more debt than they already are. …show more content…

Whether its people wanting to escape a life of violence, or criminals wanting not to get caught, it's still illegal. Illegal immigration has always been a problem for the United States, but certain politicians have started to take notice. That includes people like Barack Obama, or Donald Trump. Obama wants to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants already living here in the US. Trump wants to deport all of them. They both want the attention of the citizens. Most people see it as a matter of having sympathy and opening the floodgates for immigration, or being cautious and turning them down at the door. The people of the United States have to

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