Salutary Neglect

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The policy of salutary neglect had a large impact on the advancement of the American colonies and their society. It was the catalyst, which brought in motion the need for colonies to govern and rule themselves. In addition religious tolerance was one of many developments that came out of the policy of salutary neglect. Many of these developments differentiated the colonies from England. The colonies forged a bond amongst themselves and it made them feel united. Many people in England believed in the method of mercantilism. However people like Sir Robert Walpole, who later became England’s first prime minister, believed in the policy of salutary neglect. Under this method, the American colonies learned to rely on themselves rather than British leadership. In return, that British did not impose many laws on the colonies. Sir Robert Walpole believed that British interference would alienate the colonies and eventually damage commerce with England. To ensure that this didn’t happen he laxly enforced trade regulations such as the Navigation Act. The policy of salutary neglect led the American colonies to gain independence and develop their own political institutions such as the legislative assemblies. Although the colonies based many of their institutions off of the English, between 1690-1750, the British policy of salutary neglect drove them to become increasingly independent. Before the policy of salutary neglect was in effect, American colonies were forced to trade exclusively with Ireland, Scotland, and England due to laws like the Navigation Act. Once the policy of salutary neglect was in effect, these laws were not consistently enforced. Colonies started trading freely and illegally. Because the colonies were trading freely, t... ... middle of paper ... ..., races, and genders. For the colonist who did not believe in the Protestant path of salvation, they remained imbued with the ideas of religious tolerance. Many people in the colonies were supportive of religious tolerance and this unified the colonies and disconnected them further from England. When England loosened their leash on the American colonies they did not know the result was going to be the colonies prolonged yearning for freedom and independence. By imposing the policy of salutary neglect it gave the colonies a sense of sovereignty. Anytime England tried to impose laws or try to control the American colonies it caused conflict, which eventually led to the American Revolution. Without the policy of salutary neglect the colonies may never have become united and self-governing, and in a larger sense, the United States of America might not exist today.

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