Safeguarding the Health and Safety of Young People

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Parents, who don’t have knowledge about nourishing foods, hygiene or by what means to maintain their child’s safety, may be accused of neglect. It is every parent’s responsibility to care appropriately for their child. Parents and children need to be educated on health, safety and well-being, by this they can develop the understanding and knowledge they require. Teaching children about safeguarding themselves helps them to make knowledgeable decisions regarding their well-being, establishing a healthier life into adult-hood, which in turn would promote their children’s well-being. The frameworks that are related to education are; the public health outcomes framework (2013-16), which emphasises on health improvement, “people are helped to live healthy lifestyles, make healthy choices and reduce health inequalities”, NICE, (2013). At my placement children are educated regarding which foods are healthy and which are unhealthy. Children are offered healthy snacks and drinks during school hours to promote healthy eating. Also the UN Convention on the rights of the child (1989) states in “article 28 of the CRC insists that all children have the right to education on the basis of equal opportunity”, Rieser, (p310, 2012). Children have a right to be heard and make decisions for themselves as they have knowledge about their needs and concerns. When children are listened to and included in making decisions for themselves, those decisions are more effective. For instance, at my placement children are asked which activities they would they like to participate in, this facilitates their decision making skills and furthermore assists them in making good choices about their well-being. Parents are also helped as we hold workshops, where parents ... ... middle of paper ... ...s everyone who is involved with the child whether it’s external or internal agencies, views are valued, taken forward and listened to. Knowledge is shared effectively on a need to know basis. Works Cited Cheminais, (2009), Developing and Evaluating Multi-Agency Partnership, New York, Routledge. Loc, (2013), Children’s Rights: United Kingdom (England and Wales), (, [Accessed 19 October 2013]. NICE , (2013), Quality standard for the health and wellbeing of looked-after children and young people, (, [Accessed 19 October 2013]. Rieser, (2012), Implementing Inclusive Education, 2nd edition, London, Commonwealth Secretariat. UNICEF, (2001), Child Rights,, (Accessed 19 October 2013).

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