SWAT Analysis of Amazon's Original Business Plan

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Looking at Bezos’s business model from an entrepreneurial standpoint is very interesting. He decided to take a very unique approach to business and in doing so he took some big risks to get where he is today. For a company like Amazon that is constantly pushing the boundaries and moving into new territory one could do a SWAT analysis for nearly every year they have been in business and it would look drastically different. For now I want to retrospectively focus on the initial plan that Bezos laid out and strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that came with it.

There were many strong points in Bezos’s business plan. He carefully planned every detail of this business. One of the key strengths that Bezos relied upon was his unique understanding of both computer science and marketplace economics. His degree in computer science combined with his years working on Wall Street gave him a broad perspective on the e-commerce market. He understood what the technology would look like in order to make his ideas reality. He also had a firm grasp on the economics of the market. He knew that branding would be the essential differentiating factor between him and his competitors. He also knew that the best way to establish a strong brand was by putting your customers needs and wants first and letting the investors take care of themselves. He did not care for the idea that good customer service was just a way to drive profits. Instead he took the approach that good customer service is a way to drive growth, which in turn would drive better customer service.

The main weakness in Bezos’s business plan was that it called for fast growth with low profit margins. As a startup company this is not something that investors generally want...

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