SSG Suarez Army Story

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SSG Suarez Army Story So there I was in Tijuana, Mexico trying to get my life together, trying to figure out how to make it better and a better future; while watching tv I came across of one of the Army comercials and decide to go al talk to the recruiter went online to look for the address, 2 weeks later I went back to the states and to the recruiting station, I walked in and nobody spoke spanish and my english was not good at all, but it was SSG Flores that he spoke spanish; I talked to him and told him that i dont speak english he explain me the options that i have but first i need to take a prescreening test, i did it but i scored really low, he said a that time i was not qualify to join the army, I left and set up a goal to improve my english that way I can improve my score, at that point I was commited to join. I took the ASVAB test 3 times in total and none of those 3 time I passed, but in the last test I scored hi enough to qualify to the ESL program that I will join and learn english through the Army, I did not think it twice and i went meps to do my physical, sign, swear and to set up my travel. …show more content…

I spended 3 month and a half learning English; I took the ASVAB for 4th time this time i passed with a great score, finally i can pick my job and I got 11Bravo that is Infantryman, ship out to basic training at the end of September to Fort Benning, Georgia "Home of the Infantry", One Station Unit Training was one of the funnest thigs that I ever done it was 16 weeks

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