Ryan White Care Act : Policy

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Ryan White Care Act: Policy
The Ryan White Care Act is the nation’s first infrastructure in the fight against HIV/AIDS. The Care Act came at a time when people were dying of the disease. The years preceding the enactment of the Ryan White Care Act, peoples’ lives were at stake. There was no cure or treatment. Instead, there were uncertainties. And, the disease became highly publicized. Those in the gay community came out and spoke openly about their HIV/AIDS. The fear and homophobia from society, gay men and women took to the street to demand a government response to AIDS and were influenced to create a national movement.
Although the “war on AIDS have contributed to the development of the Ryan White policy, such course of action came firsthand through the death of a brave young man. Ryan White, diagnosed at the age of 13 with AIDS through a blood transfusion became the driving force of change. The movement brought about much awareness. HIV/AIDS can happen to anyone. He was the first teenager, the first with hemophiliac to have AIDS. Since, the life and struggle of Ryan White, there has been changes in helping those with the disease. Ryan White’s death has sparked a national outcry for those who suffers with HIV/AIDS
Ryan White’s effort and those who respond to the needs of the epidemic have caused both houses of Congress in 1990 to pass a comprehensive HIV/AIDS Resource Emergency (Care) Act to provide health care to those who have no insurance to get proper care. The program is the largest federal program in the United States (Rowan, 2013). The federal funding of the Ryan White is used mainly for medical care. The funds are primarily for individuals to receive health care coverage and financial resources. The prog...

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... competes with other programs. As a federal grant program the funding does not necessarily correspond with the need for service.
Throughout, the Ryan White Care program has gone through many changes and adjustments. Still, it remains the largest federal grant of HIV/AIDS population. The program has helped individuals and families to access care, where they could not have done otherwise. The program has also allowed social worker to play a vital role in advocating and involving in policy of HIV/AIDS treatment and resources. As a social worker, it is important to know the future of the Ryan White policy so as to help in the total care of the clients or patient with the disease. New changes have been taking place, as there are changes to the policy in terms of a passage of the national health care reform and the HIV/AIDS strategy as a major development in the country.

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