Rx For Global Poverty Summary

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Rx for Global Poverty is an article written by Robert J.Samuelson and published in The Washington Post on Wednesday, May 28, 2008. The author considers that poverty is the ultimate most urging moral challenge and states that the solution is economic growth, meaning :to become rich through many means such as “Globalization”. Still the author insists on the fact that many countries do not adapt such strategies due to political reasons. But is it true as the author stated that poverty is the most urgent moral challenge or is there similar important issues? It is an important moral challenge but not the most important one as there are other issues present on a worldwide scale as well.

In fact, poverty is an urgent issue. People usually solve the consequences of poverty and not the main problem which is “rich people”. If there is no “extreme” rich people, would poverty still exist? As J. Samuelson stated in his article Rx for Global Poverty that the developed world abolished starvation, homelessness as well as material deprivation, but other countries are still facing the problem of poverty. This shows that poverty is an urgent issue as there is no equitable distribution of wealth on the whole scale of planet earth. …show more content…

For instance, the concept that laws do not conform to society’s needs .For example, the article Abortion in Lebanon: Legality and Practice? written by the faculty of health and sciences states that 46 million women worldwide abort a child and 20 million of them live in countries where abortion is restricted. In addition, neither the public nor the policy makers are concerned by this phenomenon. The theory is different from reality, in theory the law is put in place to address the needs of the community but in reality the society is breaking the law. This shows how this phenomenon is an urgent problem as well, laws should address the needs of the

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