Rubik Cube Research Paper

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The Rubik’s cube of life is a 6 sided puzzle that represents our lives as students. It shows that we have responsibilities as students. Throughout different grades, we had patterns or routines that helped us out. In worked for many of the grades we passed and really helped out in life. The Rubik cube shows that if we try to follow the same pattern or routine as 7th grade in 8th grade, it will not work. In fact, it might do the opposite, it might help out with one part of our lives as students but fail in others. Now that we are in 8th grade doing 9th-grade work, that routine will not work. This is because if we follow a 7th-grade routine, we will have our life messed up and broken, which no one wants. Instead, we need to make a new routine, one that differs from 7th grade and helps us out in not just one aspect of 8th grade but much more. For example, we can’t have a routine which only helps us out with homework, but a routine that helps us out with homework, studying, classwork, and other aspects of 8th grade. …show more content…

And that routine or pattern helped us out in 6th grade and maybe even 5th grade, but it will not work in 8th grade. We are going to be doing work that requires us to give it our all, and no laziness will take part in that. 7th grade did not ask us for that, but the 8th grade will. This is why we need to abandon our old routine and make a new one. The cube of life (Rubik’s cube) has taught me that things change and that things will not stay the same forever. This is why we need to forget our old routine and bring in the new

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