Roundabout Sociology

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In times of road congestion, a roundabout is supposed to direct traffic in a smooth and functional manner. The middle of roundabouts are undisturbed and generally people do not go through it much less lounge in it. Yet, my partner and I decided this would be a great opportunity to test what other people would do if we were to perch ourselves in the middle of a roundabout. Both of us took turns laying a blanket down directly in the center of the roundabout around when there was slow in the hour. By nonchalantly laying on the blanket and acting like it was normal to relax in the center of a roundabout, it was like a performance. We acted as if the scene was ordinary and people naturally sit in a circle that vehicles drive around while we ate …show more content…

Everyday life depends on these social norms. It rarely crosses our minds, nor do we need to constantly remind ourselves, to not do this or that. It is already ingrained in our minds what is and what is not a socially accepted norm. Although the length of the experiment was cut short, we were able to collect partial data to understand and witness the variety of reactions to our social experiment. Unfortunately, we only had one instance where we had one partner sit in the roundabout during a busy period, while the other sat during a less busy time. If the police officer had not been called to ask us to not do our experiment again, we both believed we would have collected more data and possibly more reactions for our field notes. Sitting in the traffic circle proved to be a very successful social norm to break because it caught the attention of many people passing by. One thing my partner and I did not take into retrospect was the possible accidents that could have been cause between other bikers. We were only concerned about bicyclists harming us during the process. This experiment was an interesting experience that taught the value and importance of social norms to everyday

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