Romeo And Juliet Unrequited Love Research Paper

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Throughout the duration of Romeo and Juliet love is displayed in an array of unique perspectives. Whether it be through the star-crossed-lovers or displayed is a rather ironic way the play is full of love and hate. The two types of love that I feel are best expressed and are the most comparable and contrastable is the romantic love that is exhibited by Romeo and Juliet and the unrequited love of Romeo and Roselyn And of Juliet and Paris. As most people are aware of, romantic love is the rare feeling that is developed over time as the two individuals begin to learn more about each other. However in the case of Romeo and Juliet the fell in love at first sight. The feeling of romantic is indestructible and can conquer all. On the other hand unrequited love is hard on the soul. The love is only exhibited by one individual while his/her partner does not share the same love however it is morally repulsive but better than being alone. Both types of love are still love however romantic love is much better than unrequited love.
Romantic love is defined as a relative term, but generally accepted as a definition that distinguishes moments and situations within …show more content…

Whether it be developed over time, through a painful bonding, or developed through unrequited love. Romantic and unrequited love have two main similarities. The first being that unrequited love can form romance. Over time an unrequited relationship can develop into romantic as the two grow to know each other. Human nature only tells us to trust and to love an individual who would devote anything to you. The second is that romantic can fall apart into unrequited love. Just as individuals can grow together and love each other they can also grow to hate each other. One may lose interest while their partner is still blindly loving them for better and for worse. Just as Roselyn lost all interest in Romeo; their love was unrequited because she has normal feelings left for

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