Romantic Virtuosity

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Romantic Virtuosity

As the many socio-political revolutions of the late eighteenth-century established new social orders and new ways of life and thought; composers of the time period broke new musical ground by adding a new emotional depth to the prevailing classical forms.

This period is known as the Romantic period. It accured approximately from 1820 to 1920. Artists became intent in expressing their subjective, personal emotions. "Romanticism" derives its name from the romances of medieval times -- long poems telling stories of heroes and chivalry, of distant lands and far away places, and often of unattainable love. The romantic artists are the first in history to give to themselves the name by which they are identified.

The Romantic Movement in music co-insides with a general Romantic movement in all arts. At this period, the arts of literature and painting began to influence music. In the Romantic era, music acquired poetic or philosophical meaning. Antiquity, folklore, history and exotic cultures were examined as possible sources of inspiration. Romanticism in literature appears to precede the first signs of Romantic music (for example Goethe [1749-1832] and Wordsworth [1770-1850]). The Romantic Movement was fostered especially by a number of German writers and poets. Their influence on musicians was pervasive and enduring. Weber and Wagner were attracted by the legends of Northern Europe; Schumann by the pseudo-philosophic romantic literature of his day; Chopin by his national poet Mickiewicz; Berlioz by the earlier romantic poet Shakespeare; Liszt by the contemporary French romantic poet Lamartine and by various French romantic painters, and so on. Thus, an explosion of music by poetry, fiction, ph...

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... could deny that they were and are virtuosos.



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"Paganini, Nicolo" Encyclopedia Encarta Reference

Sachs, Harvey "Virtuoso: the life and art of Niccolo Paganini, Franz Liszt, Anton Rubinstein, Ignance Janpaderweski, Fritz Kreisler, Pablo Casals, Wanda Landowska, Vladimir Horowitz."

Thames and Hudson, New York 1982

Sadie, Stanley. "The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians"

Macmillan Publishers Limited, London 2001 Volume 26 P 789

Schonberg, Harld C. "The lives of the great Composers"

W.W. Norton, New York 1997

"The Romantic Period" George Town Prep. School.

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