Roles In Youngest Daughter By Tagami's Labor Of Love

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When women become mothers they love and protect their child. All mothers care about their children and always want the best for them. Children also rely on their mothers to take care of them and to love them. But when mothers become older sometimes they have to start relying on their children and their children start to take care of them. In “Youngest Daughter”, by Song a mother relies on her daughter to take care of her in her old age, but her daughter also relies on her for other things as well. In “Labor of Love”, by Tagami a mother and son must work together and care for each other during tough times. When it comes to being a mother or a child the roles can be reversible. In “Youngest Daughter”, by Song the reader learns that the mother in this poem used to work in rice fields and is now very old. Then the reader finds out that the youngest of the daughters has been given the responsibility to take care of her aging …show more content…

Her struggle cause probably caused her a lifetime of pain and bruising and it won’t end until she passes away. In “Labor of Love”, by Tagami a mother and son work in an apple orchid together. They spent their days together picking apples and daydreaming of a better life. They have lots of love and respect for each other. They are always looking out for each other when it comes to working in the orchids because it can become dangerous with the tall ladders. Tagami says “I suggested she stick with the short ladder, to pick, only, the ones hanging low. From above, I could keep an eye on her.” (26-28) The son cares about his mother and always make sure she is safe during work. He made sure her bag of apples was always light and not to heavy for her. He doesn’t want her to work too hard and always has his eyes on her. Tagami also says “It was when I ran

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