Role Of Modernization In Canada

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Modernization is a continuous and open ended process. Historically, the timespan over which it has developed must be measured in centuries, while there are cases of fast-tracked modernization, it is not a one-time attainment. There seems to be an active principle built into the structure of modern societies that does not allow them to settle, or to achieve equilibrium. Over time there have been many important steps in laying the foundation for the modernization of Canada. The first modern period in Canadian history where we saw significant change would have to be the 1880’s with the invention of the bicycle. Then beginning of the 20th century introduced us to modern transport. From railroads being built to the invention of the automobile. These inventions affected the Canadian culture and became popular as they made travelling much easier and convenient. The modernization of electricity also leads to popular culture because as technology advanced, people wanted the latest gadgets to “fit in”. With this new advance in …show more content…

In 1884, the first Eaton catalogue was created. The Eaton’s catalogue was a Canadian mail order Service where the buyer could place an order for a product, then receive the product via delivery. This service solved the problem of going to the city to purchase goods. People could simply order the desired products and get a package delivered to the nearest train station to pick up. This was the beginning of what would later become online shopping. As the years progressed, the company’s mail order department was filling hundreds of thousand orders per year and Eaton was actively acquiring new subscribers, particularly in rural areas using different commercial tactics. Advertisements began teaching people how to dress and what is appropriate, they showed the population what was popular and even told women how they “should” smell through

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