Role Of Corruption And Prejudice In Medieval Society

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Kristen Ramsey
Ms. Patrow
English Literature
21 October 2015
Existence of Corruption and Prejudice in the Medieval Society “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost and now I’m found…” Newton’s tune echoed through the church choir as one walks down the aisle next to the pews. Still to this day, millions of common people step foot into places of worship every Sunday, this behavior was a huge part of life in the middle ages. The church played a large role in the lives of the citizens in the middle age society. It gave a sense of routine into their lives as well as certain expectations. This somewhat strict lifestyle gave the common people a sense of judgement and prejudice for those who did not live by …show more content…

A period of mass hunger struck Europe in the years 1305-1314. This problem continued to grow into a period of famine succeeding in the years 1315-1322 (“Late”). In 1315, tragedy continued to strike, as spring and summer floods would lead to crop failures and eliminate any surplus grain to sell at the market (“Late”). Aside from crops, epizootics created a small extinction among the livestock of this time (“Late”). This period of hunger and famine took a large hit on the population of Europe. Ten percent of the population died of famine and other epidemics during the period of 1315-1316 (“Late”). However, the continent continued to be overpopulated (“Late”). Once again, another layer of disaster would attack Europe. The Black Death engulfed Europe in 1347 (“Late”). Known as The Plague, it began among the Mongolian rats and fleas in 1300, spreading through the trade routes into Western and Central Europe (“Late”). While the Middle Ages was known as a time of crisis on the economic and health related spectrum, another issue arose that engulfed a century: the Hundred Years War. The Hundred Years War took place from 1337 to 1453 and continued to aggravate the agricultural decline (“Late”). The war took place completely in France and was a dispute over the royalty of France (“Late”). While war was raging in the secular parts of medieval society, there was another issue arising in the non secular society: corruption in the

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