Roland Rugero's When An Adolescent Mute

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When things aren't clearly stated, it can create complications and everything becomes difficult after that. Roland Rugero's created a story in where an adolescent mute, tries to ask a young woman for directions "to an appropriate place to relieve himself", meaning where was a place to use the restroom, but him unable to properly communicate, got mistaken for wanting to rape her. This created a lot of chaos for the young adolescent, Nyamuragi, the mute. The story was written based on how the people that lived in province of Burundi had the ideals of how women women were meant to serve and where women couldn't be sexually active until they married. The fear of rape was very intense that parents wouldn't allow their daughters go out alone, being understandable because six girls were raped in the last two months. People heard of screams …show more content…

It creates a stigma of how justice supposed to be, but it is understandable on Kigeme's and people's reactions due to all the rapes that have been happening within the community the past two months. It also makes me think about how Rugero was able to create a story using art, leaving it to its audience to understand the imagery and  it's meaning behind it. Things like the one that happen to Nyamuragi do happen, and it makes me question how we see and take action when it comes to "justice" because justice can mean different things to different people. Do we dwell when it comes to how to properly react over something that happens to us or to someone we care for and how our government takes action in terms of justice? I think it's very important to think about these things, and the author did a great job in coming up with a story that not only  frames African modes of wisdom, but about what's actually important to consider and think

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