Roaring Lambs Book Report

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Roaring Lambs by Bob Briner is a great book about how a Christian should approach, consume, and get involved in media as a whole. Briner states that we should be roaring lambs, meek, inferior, and not seen as a threat. However, we can be roaring lambs by virtually shouting our messages through modern media. Briner’s approach for a Christian’s involvement in media is a simple one. Be involved. He says that the reason for a lack of good Christian media in the world is the lack of involvement of the Christians. Not just involvement of writers and directors wither. Any Christian can make a huge impact by simply doing things like writing to the local newspaper or television network. You can even make a difference by simply supporting good wholesome content and avoiding unwholesome content. The point of a roaring lamb is to get attention from …show more content…

First, in order for our roars to be heard he have to have a major presence of Christian ideals in our culture. We also need to have a firm belief that with God’s help a difference can be made. We need to be deliberate if our roars are to be heard and taken seriously. There should be strategy behind what we are doing, not simply going out blind. Another item Briner proposes in Roaring Lambs is the formula for success in the film industry for Christians making Christian movies. The seven step process includes, having a quality story, developing a sensible budget, spreading the risk, building relationships with producers, having a European strategy, an aftermarket strategy, and a quality cast. Although to some people this strategy seems simple and pointless, it is actually a great guide to someone in charge of a Christian film. Briner has several other proposals throughout the book including simple ones like watching good programs, avoiding bad programs, express your opinions to others, and praying for everyone currently involved in the media

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