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Right to self-determination essay
Colombia: history, today, and tomorrow
The right of individual autonomy
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Does everyone have the right to choose their own destiny? I firmly believe the answer to this question is yes. Concerning a community, do they have the same right of choice? The importance of the question lay in the right of choice. In practice, the possible right of choice of a community or outcome of self-determination often determines responses of a government. Even though, self-determination is an international law and right of process that belongs to the people and not to states or governments, this is being ignored by Colombia’s government, who firmly decided not to listen to the claim of the people, who struggle for political, economical, cultural, and social autonomy. The Raizal people of San Andres Island have the right of choice to self-determination.
Self-determination of people is a right recognized in International Law. The law makes of it a universal principle. The principle of self-determination is in Article I of the Charter of the United Nations. It also forms part of the hard law that had been affirmed by the International Meeting of Experts for the Elucidation of the Concepts of Rights of Peoples brought together by UNESCO. As a result of it, self-determination is recognized as a right of all people to voluntarily define their political situation and liberally make decisions concern value of the land and use of the territory.
Nationalism system creates laws and regulates them. These facts cause pressure, tension, intolerance, violence and anxiety in a society. For more than one hundred years the island has retained his identity because of geographical isolation. During the last fifty years, Colombia’s government is re-enforcing a nationalism authority with regulation and laws. This system has c...
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... itself, is a tough political topic the central government always seems to avoid, but the self-determination movement keeps it alive. Regardless, the island is governed under a democratic system, islanders don’t participate in it. Actually, there are others who design their political and social systems and economic policies. They neither have right to protest or to decide over their natural resources. As a community they kept belaboring the perspective of self-determination for long time, and still there are groups that don’t understand the perspective of it, and prefer to keep being part of Colombia, they choose personal ambition, instead of the community benefits. It is not the islander of San Andres goal as community to be perpetual governs by others they seek to have control of their lives by choice legitimate option of self-determination. It is their right.
In the article “Individual Autonomy and Social Structure”, Dorothy Lee talks about individual autonomy. She goes through the topic by examining different groups such as; the Wintu Indians of California, the Sikh family, the Navaho Indians of Arizona and New Mexico, and the Chinese culture. All of these different groups and societies give personal freedom to the individuals regardless of age groups. The example of Navaho Indians is used by Lee to demonstrate how “personal autonomy is supported by the cultural framework” (Lee, 1959, p.5). She points out the individual autonomy of non-western societies to the individuality of western society. One group gives full independence to an individual while the other does not and puts restrictions in place through some form. She states “...in a heterogeneous society such as ours, and in an era of induced change and speeded temp of living, it has been difficult to implement this tenet in the everyday details of living” (Lee, 1959, p.5). She points out the fast living pace of western society, where the personal autonomy given from the other cultures is lacking.
Can certain people assume absolute rights over others? Do people deserve a voice in determining what goes on in their lives as well as their country? Are people liable for their own actions? The questions asked above all fall under one theme that will be discussed: autonomy and responsibility. The American Heritage Dictionary defines the word ‘autonomy’ as self-government or the right to self-government; self-determination; independence.
It is my intention to investigate the relationship with Pablo Escobar and the development of Colombia as this is a very controversial and wide topic that covers many aspects regarding the economic growth of Columbia. The topic "changing communities" can be interpreted many ways for this topic, changing communities shall be measured in economic development, change in culture and geographic development. In this research paper I am going to discover Pablo Escobar's relationship with the development of Colombia as in the early stages of Escobar's reign over Columbia and the drug world he was coined the nickname "the robin hood of Colombia" for his millions of US dollars
Yet the growing focus on individual profit and individual success may harm collective economic success in the future of the Otavalo, if the community loses collective identity and thus, political clout. Though no community remains static or rigid against social change, the Otavalo must have the right to exist as they believe Otavalos should exist. As they emerge as a community of people who turn the tables on capitalism and thrive in the economic structure laid upon their country and their lives, they will chose to adopt modernity as “they find useful” and blossom in the ever growing identity of the Otavalo.
Should humans be autonomous or responsible? In other words, should they follow the convictions of their own hearts or surrender their ideals to another power presumed to be superior in its wisdom? This dilemma between autonomy and responsibility presents itself constantly. The struggles over abortion, euthanasia, and drug legalization are perfect examples. In each of these cases, individuals are either pushing for stronger individual rights (the freedom to make decisions regarding their own lives) or a stronger stance on the behalf of their government (to legally prevent individuals from making bad decisions).
his own life how he wishes, even if it will damage health or lead to
When El Salvador was declared independent the landowning elites fought against each other eventually resulting in the creation of a government under the power of the oligarchy of the “Fourteen Families” whose wealth came from growing, processing, exporting and financing coffee. Two encounters demonstrate how the elites heavily relied upon the government to keep the campesinos the indigenous workers in check. One in 1881...
Christopher Schmidt-Nowara. "Politics and Ideas in Latin American Independence." Latin American Research Review 45, no. 2 (2010): 228-235. http://muse.jhu.edu/ (accessed November 14, 2012).
Marijuana has been used for recreational and spiritual uses since around 3000 B.C. It has held ties as a crop for industrial use through hemp fabric, one of the most efficient and cheapest fabrics available today. It has been the focal point of many religions, and it may have even been seen as a religious sacrament to early Jews and Christians (Delorde). In today's society it is still used by religions as a focal point, one of which being the christian based religion of Rasta. It has had as colorful of a history for use as a fiber as it has for recreational use. When Jamestown was founded in 1619 it was mandatory for farmers to grow Indonesian hemp. At some points in Americas early history you could even pay your taxes in hemp because of its value. Marijuana was made illegal, in 1937, after many years of fallacies and propaganda were spread about the apparent "dangers" of this drug smoked by blacks and Mexicans. When the United States Government attempted to create a prohibition of alcohol, they failed. Crime spiked along with the sales of the now "illegal" substance. What were the justifications of prohibition? What were the benefits? The prohibition of marijuana is currently facing the same problems the prohibition of alcohol faced. What is the solution? The legalization of marijuana would greatly lower unnecessary crime, keep tax money from going into unnecessary government organizations and ensure freedoms given in the Bill of Rights.
In 1968, the Soviet Union along with several Warsaw Pact allies invaded Czechoslovakia with the intention of re-establishing a full communist government. The reason for the invasion was mainly due to “Prague Spring” – the period of great hope for the Czech people led by the reform movement against the hard-line policies of the Czech and Soviet governments. The main justification given by Soviet Premier Brezhnev regarding the attack was that the USSR, a communist nation itself, had an obligation to stop anything that poses a threat to established communism in any country. This came to be known as the “Brezhnev Doctrine”, and was seen as a clear warning to other eastern European countries. This example is one of many in history that has raised the issue of whether or not great nations are justified in exerting influence over the affairs of lesser states.
These horrors caused by nationalism seem to be at the opposite end of the spectrum from the promising ideal of democracy. As Ghia Nodia pointed out, many analysts view nationalism as “fundamentally antidemocratic” (3). What these anti-nationalists fail to realize is that nationalism has also called force heroism and even sacrifice throughout history. Numerous people have risked their lives to restore democracy and civil rights in their nations, when they could easily have chosen comfortable exile elsewhere. Indeed, nationalism is the very basis of democratic government because it unites the citizens as “we the people”, supports the common political destiny, and nurtures trust toward the government.
In the beginning, there was of course Spain and the Indians, happily hating each other as the Spaniards tore the land up in quest for gold, El Dorado, religious converts, and political power. The English, too, played their part, with Drake attacking Riohachi in 1568 and the countless colonial squabbles of the next few centuries. Declaring itself independent from Spain when Napoleon ousted the Spanish King in 1810, the new country experienced a brief period of freedom and then was quickly reconquered in 1815 by the unpleasant and bloody campaigns of General Murillo. So much did their internal bickering allow their fledgling country to fall to the sword of Murillo, the period is immortalized in Colombia's history with the colorful name of la Patria Boba, or "The Booby Fatherland." Round two, however, fell to the Colombians, when Simón Bolívar reliberated the country in 1820 and became its very first president. In 1849, the country was sufficiently advanced enough to concretize their squabbling in the form of two political parties, the Liberals and the Conservatives, who exist to this day. These two parties form the political framework for much of García Márquez's fiction, and understanding their true natures is both a key to his writing and, unfortunately, an important insight to Latin American politics in general.
Self-determination or the right of nations to self-determination is the right countries have to choose their sovereignty or who/what rules them without other countries telling them to do so. In this essay I am going to look into what role self-determination had in the unification of the German states.
Some people say that the definition of independence is a complex word and idea to try to define. In al truth independence is a perplexing word to try to define. This is because everybody has their own speculations of what independence is. Very infrequently are their two people that have the same perception of what the definition of independence is. What I perceive the definition of independence is the absolute freedom to do what you want, and to not be held back by any rules or laws of government or man, but by the rules and laws of nature and your own self concise. My view of independence may greatly differ form your beliefs on the definition but in this paper I will try to show exactly what my perspective on the definition of independence is by my experiences, my beliefs, my thoughts, and research on the subject at hand.
Before we delve deeper into this topic, it is imperative to properly provide a definition of sovereignty and lay down some foundation on this topic. There are four different definitions of sovereignty – international legal sovereignty, Westphalia sovereignty, domestic sovereignty and interdependence sovereignty. International legal sovereignty deals with “the practices associated with mutual recognition, usually between territorial entities that have formal juridical independence” (Krasner 4). The main definition of sovereignty that this paper will use is the ...