Richard Kklinski Case Study

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Madi Hammett
Ms. Dixon
Criminal Justice III
23 October 2017 The Iceman
Richard Kuklinski, otherwise known as “Iceman,” is considered one of the most unique serial killers in American history today. Kuklinski murdered an unknown number of people throughout his life. Kuklinski suffered a rough upbringing which held a key component of creating his criminal behavior. As a child, he endured an absolute unloving household. His father beat him for no apparent reason. His father held a strong dominating attitude over Richard and his siblings. His mother was no saving grace, as she also beat him with inanimate objects such as kitchen supplies. As Kuklinski’s criminal career was definitely influenced by genetics, his behavior was also created by his …show more content…

As he dropped out of school in eighth grade, he was bound for failure. As a child, he would beat cats in his boredom. He felt no emotion toward these animals, and did not experience any excitement from the harm, however he continued to abuse animals. As a teenager, his odd behavior escalated into his first murder. He beat a school bully to death then disposed of the body. As he grew older, he showed no hesitation to kill people who challenged him, angered him, annoyed him, or even just looked at him the wrong way. Richard Kuklinski knew he was not capable of attaining a job to support himself, nor a family so he soon became a contract killer. Extremely dangerous mobs would use Richard as their hit man, and he would charge them on the upper side of five figures. He believed this was the only way he would be able to succeed in taking care of his wife and three …show more content…

Joseph Kuklinski stole a 12 year old girl’s dog, just to tell her he had found her lost dog. He tricked the young girl to follow him onto a roof of a tall building. He then raped and murdered the girl, and continued to push her and her dog off the building. Had Joseph not been caught, I believe he would have followed his brother’s murderous career. His brother followed many traits of a sociopath. Unlike Richard, Joseph would have continued as more of a typical serial killer. Many male serial killers rape their victims, and then murder them. Richard Kuklinski was not open to murdering females or children, but his brother was. It is very evident that Richard and Joseph’s parents held a strong component on creating their children’s criminal career, due to their abuse and lack of

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