Revolutions: The Road to Independence

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Revolution is a significant change of control or authority within a governmental setting. Most Revolutions are caused by political, social, and economic disputes. Consequently, the common matter for the American, French, and Latin America revolutions emerged to gain their own independence. In North America, the colonists put emphasis on their independence from Great Britain and established a new republic. In France, protesters abolished the authority of France and reorganized the French society, and Latin America sought liberty from Spain’s control. One thing all three revolutions had in common was that they were inspired by Enlightenment ideas. Since the development of these revolutions were encouraged by specific motives, they began to progress toward a more civilized order of humanity. How were they alike? How were they different? These questions imply the relationship between the social orders among the Atlantic civilization. Although the revolution in America, France, and Latin America may be compared in many ways, what type of influence did they have on society?

The American Revolution

The American Revolution (1775–1783), was a war between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the North American colonists. Financial difficulties arose from the Seven Years’ War and the British officials wanted to enforce several taxes, and increase more control over the colonies. “The American colonies objected to their laws and taxes, and organized a meeting of delegates, known as the Continental Congress (1774), to oppose British policies that restricted their rights” (Bentley et al, 2008 p.477). Afterwards, tension began to build up and the American colonists’ decided they wanted independence from British rule. Consequently, in 1775, the war...

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...ain of independent wars happened, social form was trivial and the creoles successfully gained their independent lifestyle


In summary, although the common theme for the American, French, and Latin American revolution were the influence of the Enlightenment values, these uprising wars all achieve independence from imperial rule from Great Britain, Spain and Portugal. On a final note, since all three revolutions were based on Enlightenment ideas, their key goal was to modify their societies. Overall, the American, French, and Latin America revolution common cause was to achieve independence.


Bentley, J., Ziegler, H., and Streets, H. (2008). Traditions and encounters: A brief global history (3rd ed.) New York: McGraw Hill

GlobalSecurity .org (2010), Retrieved August 24, 2010, from

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