Review of Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen

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Review of Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen Dulce Et decorum est is a war poem written by a man named Wilfred

Owen. This poem was written about a soldier who dies in a hideous

fashion. He dies walking back to his campsite, tired, miserable and

bloodied from fighting for his country. In his state of weariness he

is hit with a gas bomb. He doesn't fit his gas mask on in time and

chokes to death. This poem was written with horrifying description of

how the soldier died to make the readers think that it is not fit and

sweet to die for ones country. Hence the old lie 'Dulce et decorum est

pro patria moré'

In this poem Owen focuses on the theme of death. He uses 'realistic

imagery' in many ways; he wants to make the poem seem so real that the

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