Revenge In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Revenge plays a huge role in the “Frankenstein” story, that involves the creator and his mistaken creation. In the story “Frankenstein”, the creature's experiences have been understandable. The creature does not understand why he’s being hated by everyone when all he desires is to be a part of a loving family. He tries to be helpful and caring to the De Lacey family, hoping he would get the chance of being loved by someone and not feared him. Soon he realises that the rest of the family is horrified by him, they turn out violently. “ He dashed me to the ground and struck me violently with a stick” (Shelley 58). When the creature found out the family had moved away he felt hatred and revenge. “For the first time the feelings of revenge and hatred filled …show more content…

As soon as he went back to the cottage he realized the family had moved out, and that he would never see the family again. The creature felt fury in him and would destroy the objects around him. Soon his fury made him burn the cottage “ The wind fanned the fire, and the cottage was quickly enveloped by the flames” (Shelley 60). All the creature wanted was to be accepted by the family but the rejection of the family and the way they treated him turned into madness and fury. In the story it is also mentioned how he wants to educate a child he saw, and become his friend, so he won't be lonely throughout his life. “If, therefore, I could seize him and educate him as my companion and friend, I should not be so desolate in this peopled earth” ( Shelley 61). His attempt to convincing the child to go with him failed. His idea was of no harm he was trying to live happily with the child, but as soon as the kid rejected and named who his father was the creature killed three child. “The child still struggled and loaded me with epithets which carried despair to my heart; I grasped his throat to silence him, and in a moment he lay dead at my feet” (Shelley

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