Retirement Memo

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Huo Zhaozhong
To: National Bank of Pomona, CEO
From: Billy, Chief Economist
Date: January 16, 2018
Re: The h igher education and plan of retirement in the economic system
The purpose of the memo discusses the 2016 federal reserve annual survey of household economics and decision - marking. The survey relatives many different subjects to affect American well
beings such as individuals’ overall financial well
being, income and savings behaviors, education, student loans, and retirement planning, ect. T he economic has disadvantages about higher education and retirement planning, but it has improved on financial well
being in recent year continued into 2016. Most people believe higher education and retirement planning that are …show more content…

People from lower socioeconomic backgrounds are less attend to college. Most of them choose profit institutions. Many people have higher education with debt or student loans.

Many retirement people have no retirement saving or some people lack ability to manage their retirement investment.
According to survey from previous years, more people said they get more progress and do better by report statement. Many people can pay off their education loans within a short period of time and Most people start to save money from their part of income that is for emergency saving if US government provide lower education loans to students and give ret irement people more option plan to buy for retirement saving.
Closing and Actions:
According the future well
being with the report of 2016, I recommend:

Government should advocate people to save money in the bank and may provide some plans of investment b ecause it can make retirement learn the ability to manage their retirement investment. •
People should buy health care and save a part of money in bank for emergency, because

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