Although there are many working positioned to support the plan, consequently, there are also some forces that could work against its succession such as; outreach in the community will take time away from other task of the agency workers, and loss of staff may force the agency to pay overtime to workers. In addition, we need to receive funding to create the pamphlets with information regarding the agency services, which is necessary to hand out to people in the community, this also identify as one of the restraining forces. Furthermore, people's health insurance policy is another contribution to the restraining forces because the policy may not cover services needed, agency employees may not be motivated enough, due to lack of knowledge concerning
In the planning process, the health care organization’s first step should be to identify alternative expense reduction measures that can be implemented. Marshall and Broas (2009) and McConnell (2006) state that measures such as hiring freezes, reduced work hours, reduced salaries or bonuses, early retirement, limited use of temporary workers and discrepancy spending should be explored first before resorting to mass reduction in the workforce. Given the numerous legal cases in which employees have accused companies of lavish spending during layoff processes, a company should consider taking expense reduction measures. This would show that the company had explored another alternative before resorting to a RIF, and it would also help employers dismiss employees claims that the RIF was not necessary or discriminatory ( Marshall & Broas,2009) .Whatever alternative expense reduction measures were taken by the company along with the reasons for doing so should also be documented( Marshall & Broas,2009).Documenting the reason for the RIF, should be the next step.
I started off by watching a few minutes of each video that was provided as our options. All of the videos looked interesting, but the one that intrigued me most was Chasing Zero:
In conclusion there needs to be an increase in government funding for long term care facilities to convey maximum ability to provide quality of care to elders and equal accessibility too homes and care. Ways that can produce this outcome are increases in staff funding for training and recruitment, as well as for equipment to help increase care. Government funding should also help elders decrease the cost of living in nursing homes and allow equal accessibility to homes and care in homes.
Health care is an uprising issue today in the United States. I believe in order for health care or the medical field to succeed in the future that social contract should be enforced. By enforcing social contract, it will allow health care to be more efficient by allowing individuals to assume responsibility for their own healthy by having the ability to ensure health. According to The Enduring Democracy book, " from the philosophy of Jean- Jacques Rousseau, an agreement people make with one another to form a government and abide by its rules and laws, an in return the government promises to protect the people’s rights and welfare and promote their best interest"(Dautrich, 7). In other words, if people came to an agreement about health care being available for all American citizens, the government will uphold this idea and will make sure all American citizens have the right to health care.
The federal government should introduce financial incentives to motivate the health care workers to reach their ends. This will serve in maintaining of their employees not to vacate to private parastatals. They will be feeling comfortable working in the environment and will be competitive in the area. This will get the federal parastatal to deliver quality work in the health care
An issue that is widely discussed and debated concerning the United States’ economy is our health care system. The health care system in the United States is not public, meaning that the states does not offer free or affordable health care service. In Canada, France and Great Britain, for example, the government funds health care through taxes. The United States, on the other hand, opted for another direction and passed the burden of health care spending on individual consumers as well as employers and insurers. In July 2006, the issue was transparency: should the American people know the price of the health care service they use and the results doctors and hospitals achieve? The Wall Street Journal article revealed that “U.S. hospitals, most of them nonprofit, charged un-insured patients prices that vastly exceeded those they charged their insured patients. Driving their un-insured patients into bankruptcy." (p. B1) The most expensive health care system in the world is that of America. I will talk about the health insurance in U.S., the health care in other countries, Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, and my solution to this problem.
In developing a policy people need to recognize a problem, the concern can be of natural disaster, unsafe workplace, or the cost of medical insurance; all these function as distressers to people. To take control of the problem, the society needs to recognize that the government can and should attain to the problem and solve the public’s concern (N.A., 2015). The policymaking process starts off with Policy Formulation Phase which consists of the critical first step in policymaking which is Agenda setting; this process describes the steps by which particular problems, possible solutions and political circumstances emerge (Longest, 2010). The problems as previously stated are society concerns of natural disaster, unsafe workplace, and the cost of medical insurance, to name a few. As a society initiates a problem, there should be a possible solution or alternative solutions to move the processes into Political Circumstances. In the process of a problem and a solution being finalized, it will not be sufficient en...
Alan Goldman argues that medical paternalism is unjustified except in very rare cases. He states that disregarding patient autonomy, forcing patients to undergo procedures, and withholding important information regarding diagnoses and medical procedures is morally wrong. Goldman argues that it is more important to allow patients to have the ability to make autonomous decisions with their health and what treatment options if any they want to pursue. He argues that medical professionals must respect patient autonomy regardless of the results that may or may not be beneficial to a patient’s health. I will both offer an objection and support Goldman’s argument. I will
When it comes to health matters, everyone becomes attentive. People believe that with good health, one can virtually accomplish anything that they desire. This is the reason to as why health is given all the attention. It is important to have a clear understanding of the meaning of the term health, healthcare and systems that are put in place to facilitate healthcare.
Now that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has finally been fully implemented, millions of Americans will now have access to health care coverage and to health care services. As a country, we are now able to begin the transformation from a “sick care” system into one that centers on prevention and health promotion. People that were once denied coverage, those who did not have employee health benefits, or those who were too financially insecure to afford premiums are now able to seek care, and the medical and public health workforces must adapt to accommodate these increasing numbers by increasing their own. As of today, despite the growing national awareness of the importance of the public health system in sustaining a healthy population, the public health workforce is being crippled by substantial decreases in funding, reductions of resources and staff, inadequate training, and an inequitable distribution of health care practitioners in areas of the greatest need. According to the American Public Health Association (APHA), 44,000 governmental public health jobs at the state and local level were lost between 2008 and 2010. Numbers compiled by the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) show that 41 percent of local health departments (LHD) experienced some level of reduction in workforce capacity. The NACCHO reports that all LHDs are experiencing a 13 percent diminished capacity in staff operations, with reductions in hours worked and mandated furloughs. Because of these budget cuts and workforce shortages, agencies must now do more with less. This not only puts a strain on agencies; it also detracts from worker recruitment and retention. Given the estimate provided by the Association o...
The American Health Care system has prided itself on providing high quality services to the citizens who normally cannot afford them. This system has been in place for years and until now it did a fairly decent job. The problem today is money; the cost of hospital services and doctor fees are rising faster than ever before. The government has been trying to come up with a new plan these past few years even though there has been strong opposition against a new Health Care system. There are many reasons why it should be changed and there are many reasons why it shouldn’t be changed. The main thing that both sides heads towards is money. Both sides want to save money just in different ways.
In today’s healthcare system, there are many characteristics and forces that make up the complex structure. Health care delivery is a complex system that involves many people that navigate it with hopes of a better outcome to the residents of the United States. Many factors affect the system starting from global influences, social values and culture. Further factors include economic conditions, physical environment, technology development, economic conditions, political climate and population characteristics. Furthermore the main characteristics of the Unites States healthcare system includes: no agency governs the whole system, access to healthcare is restricted based on the coverage and third party agencies exist. Unfortunately many people are in power of the healthcare system involving multiple payers. Physicians are pressured to order unnecessary tests to avoid potential legal risks. Quality of care is a major component; therefore it creates a demand for new technology. A more close investigation will review two main characteristics and two external forces that currently affect the healthcare delivery system. Furthermore, what will be the impact of one of the characteristics and one of the external forces in review with the new affordable care act 2010? The review will demonstrate the implications to the healthcare delivery system and the impact on the affordable care act 2010.
There has been studied of an estimate of about thirty million people who have gained insurance services through the Act. The individual insurance has worked to prohibit insurers from refusing full coverage to individuals because of their pre-existing conditions of not being able to have a flow of income which will sustain their program. There have been exemptions for people who have been facing financial hardships to facilitate them be in a position to access the insurance services (Gunja, Finegold & Musco, 2015). This has enabled incorporate many people in the program and offers extensive
The expense of human services rose 87 percent somewhere around 2000 and 2006, while swelling just rose 18percent (Clemmitt, 2007). Workers with protection are confronted with high deductibles, high premiums, and expanded out-of-pocket installments. This implies having protection does not as a matter of course empower a man to get medicinal consideration, for the patient should even now have the capacity to manage the cost of the treatment. Representatives with no protection can't bear the cost of medicinal consideration at all or are ineligible because of previous conditions. Some of these individuals apply for government help (Medicaid), yet are turned down because of the diminished subsidizing of Medicaid projects (Chua, 2006). The always expanding expenses are making managers slice out or lessen advantages to workers. This is bringing on social insurance to end up a developing issue for the working class, since wages are expanding a great deal more gradually than the cost of protection premiums (Clemmitt, 2006). Working Americans are losing manager supported scope and don't have the monetary method for acquiring private scope (Chua, 2006). Representatives who don't lose scope through and through are frequently compelled to pay a higher rate of their protection, or are prevented fetched from claiming living compensation increments since the cash the organization takes into
Reforming health care system has been a hot topic for many years. A society's commitment to health care reflects some of it's most basic values about what it is to be a member of the human community (Cockerham, 2012). Legislators have been proposing diferrent policies in an effort to solve this dilemma without significant progress. All proposals to expand insurance coverage have had certain flaws and were sometimes far from being ideal or even realistic.