Response To Edgar Allan Poe's Writing

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“Of puns it has been said that those who most dislike them are those who are least able to utter them.” “In criticism I will be bold, and as sternly, absolutely just with friend and foe. From this purpose nothing shall turn me.” These quotes by Edgar Allan Poe are two of his many responses he gave to the criticism he received. Over many years in his writing career, the public rejected him for his gothic writing. Instead of responding negatively to the critics, whenever he found a positive way to use their descriptions of him and turn them into his now famous works. He also asked the public questions that opened their eyes. As a result, Edgar Allan Poe was one of many famous writers who showed heroism in his works by turning the negativity against him into a positive. Even though he received …show more content…

One of his more positive comments from a man named George Pope Morris described Poe’s writings as “Tall shadows and a sighing silence seem to close around us as we read. We feel dream land to be more real and more touching than the actual life we have left.” There weren’t very many ways critics would positively describe his poems and short stories because of how dark they were written. The most common way people responded was by calling his works names and saying he was mentally insane. One critic named G. R. Thompson described Poe’s writings as “Possibly half tongue-in-cheek” meaning he thought of Poe as a joke and his works shouldn’t have been taking seriously and published. He was also criticized by also being called childish, puerile, and absurd since his works were gothic and different from the neoclassical style of writing. Most of the literature during the 18th century is called neoclassical which means the writings were following the classical style from the 17th and late 18th century. This made the new style Poe was writing in seem unacceptable and unwanted by the

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