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Cellular respiration review
Cellular respiration review
Cellular respiration review
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The overall concept that was covered by this lab was cellular respiration in peas. The lab was set up with two different types of peas, germinating and dry peas, and each respirometer was placed in two different temperatures, room temperature and an ice bath. By completing this lab, we were able to investigate how germination and temperature affects the rate of respiration. Overall, the germinating peas in the ice bath had consumed the most oxygen, consuming 0.42 mL of oxygen at the end of the 20 minutes and the dry peas in the ice bath had consumed the least, consuming -0.02 mL of oxygen at the end of the experiment. The germinating peas at room temperature were supposed to consume the most oxygen because cellular respiration is more optimal in germinating peas at higher temperatures. In lower temperatures, less respiration occurs, but when the temperature becomes too high it begins to decline. By completing this lab, it demonstrated the difference in oxygen consumed at different temperatures.
Introduction In this lab, cellular respiration in germinating and dry peas at two different temperatures were explored. During cellular respiration, sugar and oxygen are taken in and broken down to create ATP, heat energy, and water. Aerobic respiration consists of three main stages: Glycolysis, Acetyl CoA formation, the Krebs cycle, and
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P is the pressure of the gas, V is the volume, n is the number of molecules in the gas, R is the gas constant, and lastly T is the temperature of the gas. The if and then statement for this lab was “If temperature and germination affect cellular respiration, and three respirometers with beads, dry peas and beads, and germinating peas in each respective respirometer, and they are placed at room temperature and at 10 degrees Celsius, then the respirometer at room temperature with germinating peas will consume more oxygen in cellular respiration.
Cellular respiration is the process by which energy is harvested involving the oxidation of organic compounds to extract energy from chemical bonds (Raven & Johnson, 2014). There are two types of cellular respiration which include anaerobic respiration, which can be done without oxygen, and aerobic respiration, which requires oxygen. The purpose of this experiment is to determine whether Phaseolus lunatus, also known as dormant seeds or lima beans, respire. You will compare the results of the respiration rate of the dormant seeds, and the Pisum sativum, or garden peas. In this experiment, you will use two constants which will be the temperature of the water and the time each set of peas are soaked and recorded. Using these constants will help
We placed elodea plants into three different beakers and labelled them. Since, we are trying to find how temperature can affect the rate of production of carbon dioxide, we had to place them in different temperatures. So, we labelled the first beaker “Elodea heat” and placed it in a water bath that produced sufficient amount of heat. We labelled the second one “Elodea cool” which was placed in an ice bath filled with ice. The next one “Elodea RT” where the elodea was placed under normal room temperature without any interference. And we named the last one “No Elodea” where we placed no elodea in it and kept the beaker in a dark
The primary nutrients that plants require are carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen from air and water. Sugar has a different effect on animals, humans, and plants. In this experiment, we are testing the effects of sugar on the growth of wheatgrass. For this experiment, we used regular sugar that we put in our food and drinks. To test our hypothesis we are using two groups control and experiment group. The control plant received only water but the experimental plant received sugar but, both plants were placed in the same temperature and same amount of water. Our hypothesis was correct, experiment plant “sugar water” yield more plant growth than control plant “water”. This experiment shows the sugar water plant grow faster than water because of the average of both plants. The sugar water experiment plant had longer in length compared to water control plant.
This lab was done to determine the relationship of gas production to respiration rate. The lab was done with dormant pea seeds and germinating pea seeds. It was done to test the effect of temperature on the rate of cellular respiration in ungerminated versus germinating seeds. We had to determine the change in gas volume in respirometers. This was done to determine how much oxygen was consumed during the experiment. The respirometers contained either germinating, or non-germinating pea seeds. I think that the germinating seeds will have a higher oxygen consumption rate in a room temperature water bath than the non-germinating seeds. My reason for this hypothesis is that a dormant seed would not have to go through respiration because it is not a plant yet. A germinating seed would consume more oxygen because it is growing, and therefore would need to consume oxygen by going through the process of cellular respiration.
In this experiment I will investigate the affect in which the light intensity will have on a plants photosynthesis process. This will be done by measuring the bubbles of oxygen and having a bulb for the light intensity variable.
Both starch and sucrose can be converted back into glucose and used in respiration. Photosynthesis happens in the mesophyll cell of leaves. There are two kinds of mesophyll cells - palisade mesophyll and spongy mesophyll. The mesophyll cells contain tiny bodies called chloroplasts which contain a green chemical called chlorophyll.
Experiment #1: The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the effects of baking soda and light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis of green spinach leave through the observation of floating disk.
Yes the hypothesis was supposed, which was "Germinating seed would take in more oxygen because they are actively going through cellular respond growing. This is shown in the data when looking at the Corrected Difference at 5 minutes germinating peas was at .05 and dry peas with beads was only .01, then looking at the data at the end at 20 minutes germinating peas were at .24 and dry peas and beads were at .04. The germinating were ahead of the dry peas with taking in more oxygen. The independent variable was the germination of the peas. The dependent variable was the amount of oxygen consumption. Germinating peas are growing and going through cellular respiration at a higher rate, this effects oxygen consumption because because the higher the
Do you know how you are able to run long distances or lift heavy things? One of the reasons is cellular respiration. Cellular respiration is how your body breaks down the food you’ve eaten into adenosine triphosphate also known as ATP. ATP is the bodies energy its in every cell in the human body. We don’t always need cellular respiration so it is sometimes anaerobic. For example, when we are sleeping or just watching television. When you are doing activities that are intense like lifting weights or running, your cellular respiration becomes aerobic which means you are also using more ATP. Cellular respiration is important in modern science because if we did not know about it, we wouldn’t know how we are able to make ATP when we are doing simple task like that are aerobic or anaerobic.
With this information we were able to identify any patterns and similarities. Hypothesis: The higher the temperature of water, potato and H²O², the rate at which the Enzyme will work will be faster therefore producing more oxygen. The reaction will be the same without the catalase (potato). Therefore in both experiments the Enzyme will work more rapidly and produce more oxygen. Aim: To test the hypothesis.
Overview of Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis Written by Cheril Tague South University Online Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis are both cellular processes in which organisms use energy. However, photosynthesis converts the light obtained from the sun and turns it into a chemical energy of sugar and oxygen. Cellular respiration is a biochemical process in which the energy is obtained from chemical bonds from food. They both seem the same since they are essential to life, but they are very different processes and not all living things use both to survive ("Difference Between Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration", 2017). In this paper I will go over the different processes for photosynthesis and the processes for cellular respiration and how they are like each other and how they are essential to our everyday life.
the effect light has on the growth of pea plants. It will take place in an environment with controlled light, with equal amounts of plants being grown in the light and in the dark. All elements of the experiment other than light will be kept the same, such as amount of seeds in each pot, amount of soil in each pot and amount of water given to each plant each day. This will ensure a fair experiment. Prediction: I predict that in general, the plants grown in the light will grow better than those grown in the dark.
The graphs helped show the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the bottle when it came to testing germinating seeds, non-germinating seeds, and crickets. For the germinating seeds, the oxygen levels were rising and the level of carbon dioxide was slowly rising. This relationship shows that the germinating seeds were in the process of cellular respiration. The O2 is a product of the germinating seed while water and oxygen are the reactants needed to start respiration and make ATP. The non-germinating seeds, however, didn't show any drastic change in O2 or CO2 levels, when it came to the graphs. The reason why this occurred was because non-germinating seeds aren't growing, but are rather dormant. However, very little oxygen was being used,
TutorVista.com (2015), states that; “photosynthesis and cellular respiration are metabolic reactions that complete each other in the environment. They are the same reactions but occur in reverse. In photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water yield glucose and oxygen respiration, process glucose and oxygen yield carbon dioxide and water, catabolic pathway process which requires or contains molecular oxygen for the production of adenosine triphosphate. This three step aerobic respiration cycle occurs in the cytoplasm and in the organelles called mitochondria. Within this process, cells break down oxygen and glucose in its storable form called adenosine triphosphate or ATP. This cellular respiration or sometimes called an exothermic reaction is similar to a combustion type reaction whereby the cell releases energy in the form heat but at a much slower rate within a living cell. According to our text, Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology, (2010, pg. 94), cellular respiration is stated as “The aerobic harvesting of energy from food molecules; the energy-releasing chemical breakdown of food molecules, such as glucose, and the storage of potential energy in a form that cells can use to perform work; involves glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, the electron transport chain, and chemiosmosis”. It is also my understanding that it is possible for cellular respiration to take place without oxygen, which is called anaerobic respiration. In the anaerobic respiration process the glycosis step or sometimes referred to as the metabolic pathway process deferrers because the anaerobic condition produces
When humans consume plants, the carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are broken down through two forms of cellular respiration. The two processes of cellular respiration displayed in humans are anaerobic and aerobic. The deciding process used depends on the presence of oxygen. Cellular respiration converts the material into a useable energy called ATP. ATP is the energy form that cells can use to perform their various functions, and it can also be stored for later use.