Research Paper On Vale Aida Tereshkova

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Inspirational Individual: Valentina Tereshkova Introduction to Valentina Tereshkova Valentina Tereshkova was the first women to go into space, orbiting the Earth 48 times in Vostok VI in 1963. She was born in 1937 in Russia. She had an interest in parachuting from a young age, which landed her in space training. Now being 79 years old, she has won many awards in her time since going into space. The awards she has won are because of her being an inspiration. Valentina was an inspiration because she achieved her goal of being one of the first women in space, volunteering to go into space, and by proving that women can do the same as men, which influenced many young girls. Being the First Women in Space One reason Valentina is an inspiration is because during the 1900’s, she went into training to go into space, along with 5 other women, Valentina being the leader. By being the leader, she was the first women in space. According to a online website, “One of the main goals of sending a woman to space was to research the influence of the space environment on a woman as compared to the influence of the same conditions on a man” ( …show more content…

On a website it states, “Fifty years later, we look at Tereshkova as the woman who opened the skies for others to follow, who made it possible for little girls to dream of becoming astronauts . . . She was the female counterpart to Gagarin's poster-boy image and the perfect role model for young Soviet girls” ( Still to this day Valentina is an inspiration, not only to young girls but to young women. She inspired girls to want to be astronauts, especially since during the time, women weren’t exactly “equal” to men. Over time more and more women became inspired to go into to space and even do other things that women haven’t done

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