Research Paper On Ethos Pathos

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Shoeosis: A diagnosis every woman would relate to!

Feeling guilty about adding just another pair to your shoe collection?

Well, there is no need to be! Being shoeaholic, shoe-addict or experiencing shoegasm every time you watch your favorite new pair of shoes is perfectly normal.
So what is Shoeosis and how to know if you are suffering from it?
Shoeosis is basically a unique term to define one’s obsessed with the collection of a variety of shoes.
To put things in perspective, let’s consider these statistics
The pop sensation warbler Christina Aguilera has almost 750 pairs of shoes in her walk-in wardrobe!
As per a popular magazine, Paris Hilton is believed to own almost 2,000 pairs of shoes Imelda Marcos, the Philippines politician owns 1000 pairs of designer footwear in her collection! …show more content…

It is an undeniable fact that the purchase of a pair of new shoes holds great value and is nothing less than a true fetish for the women.
Exploring the women’s love for shoes
Shoes are the essential part of the wardrobe that set and distinguish the personal style, class, and choices of two individuals. It won’t be wrong to say that the choice of the pair of shoes can make the same dress look different on different woman.
Irrespective of the choice of a nice pair of shoes including high-heeled or flats, slippers or flip-flops, riding boots, stilettos or platform shoes, shoes define a distinct style and precise typology of woman.
Is Shoeosis a dangerous condition?

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