Research Paper On Bob's Burgers

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I don’t often watch television; I have never been the biggest fan of having to sit down for an allotted time to tune into a show. I guess if I had to pick a television show to watch it would be Bob’s Burgers, simply because it is an easy watch and doesn’t require my full attention. Bob’s Burgers if you have never watched it is an American adult animated sitcom, the series centers on the Blechers. The Blechers are a family compiled of Bob and Linda who are the parents and their three children Tina, Gene, and Louise. The family runs a Burger shop and the show follows their lives. Comparison to Four Different Media: Theater: I feel like Bob’s Burgers if it wasn’t animated, would be a live audience sitcom. I feel like type of show connects to the audience much like a show in the theater would. Bob’s Burgers requires a certain humor to be able to really get into the show, much like theater it’s just not for everyone. …show more content…

I feel like Bob’s Burgers is similar to radio because in my experience, you don’t have to be completely tuned in. You can also miss an episode or more and be able to jump back in without feeling completely lost. Motion Pictures: I don’t think this show is like motion pictures at all. Bob’s Burgers is all over the place, and doesn’t follow a strict plotline like a movie does. This being said movies need structure to make since and because Bob’s Burgers is dramatically different every episode it in my opinion is about as far away from a motion picture as

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