Research always starts with a question or a problem. Its purpose is to question through the application of the scientific method. It is a systematic and intensive study directed towards a more complete knowledge of the subject studied. Research is a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. Research is an art of scientific investigation. According to Clifford woody, “ Research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions, collecting , organizing and evaluating data, making deductions and reaching conclusions and at last carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis” The research process includes the following steps: Defining the Objective. Statement of research objectives. Planning the research design. Planning the sample. Collection of data. Analyzing the data. Formulation of conclusion. Preparation of the report. DATA COLLECTION METHOD Data collection methods can be classified into two methods: Primary methods Secondary methods 38 I have adopted secondaru data method and my project contains the first stage i.e., collection of data from various websites for e.g.:- mutual , www.icici .com etc & preparing the database on the basis of information collected from the above mentioned websites .The Methodology adopted is simply based on secondary collections of data, external sources like magazines that are India today, Economic times and hence, analysis is processed. The data is obtained from corporate websites of the two firms, published financial results, publications of IRDA, and other business databases. 39 ... ... middle of paper ... ...rtfolio. As the age increases investors are much satisfied, see more risk and become more risk adverse. Investors get more oppurtunities to invest in the company as they are fully aware of risk factors. Investors are not highly satisfied by company rules and employee behavior. customer service and satisfaction is not limited to the private sector. ... including surveys, customer behavior research, complaint resolution approaches, testers ... Customer satisfaction is a highly personal assessment that is greatly influenced by ..... company's 20 rules for and promises to all employees, clearly states. Investors think that HDFC provides better returns than ICICI. From the above analysis, we can see that equity ratio and price earning ratio are higher in HDFC bank which shows that company can easily payout its liabilities and dividend to its share holders.
Research is a systematic inquiry that uses disciplined methods to answer questions and solve problems. The ultimate goal of research is to gain knowledge that would be useful to many people. The Tuskegee study was initially started to study the effects of untreated Syphilis for about six to nine months, followed by treatment phase which gained public interest and outcry from public which led to actions initiated by US federal. The knowledge and information gathered from the study was very small compared to the risk that the men and their family endured. The participants and the families got compensated after a lawsuit was filed, but the physical, emotional and mental damaged caused cannot be
By being rational I don’t plan to have any difficulties. Due to the nature of my project and stature it is highly unlikely I will get a Primary Source for this assignment. Other information should be relatively easy to get from online sources. Financial information should be especially easy because both companies involved are required to report information as members of the New York Stock Exchange.
Measuring this satisfaction is an important element of providing better, more effective and efficient services. When customers are not satisfied with a service as provided, the service is neither effective nor efficient and can result in a loss of business. Why do we measure customer satisfaction? The level of customer satisfaction with services is an important factor in developing a system of service provisions such as the 7P's: § Product § People § Price § Physical Evidence § Place § Processes § Promotion Theses areas of any business are responsive to the customers needs while minimising costs and time requirements and maximising the impact of the services on target populations.
Research is defined as systematic investigation in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions (OUP, 2014). The biopsychosocial model has already been described.
The research question is the first and foremost initial step in the research process, because it defines the expected outcomes and drives the project design. So it should be clear and concise once the research question is formulated, the next is defining the terms and concepts used in the research process. A literature review is needed to clarify issues, gives an understanding to the researcher how others have formulated similar research questions and defines concepts.
C.S. Lewis was one of the greatest know fictional writers; he created a wonderful series of books called The Chronicles of Narnia. His real name was Clive Staples Lewis but also his friends called him “Jack”. He was born on November 29, 1898 in Belfast, Ireland. C.S. Lewis was married to Joy Davidman, his father was Albert James Lewis and his mother was Florence Augusta Lewis. He is best known for his fictional work and for his non-fictional Christian apologetics. When Lewis was a little boy him and his brother created the world of Boxen, also he had a fascination with anthropomorphic animals falling in love with Beatrix Potter’s and often writing and illustrating his own animal stories. When C.S. Lewis was a teenager most of his writings moved away from the tales of Boxen, and he began using different art forms to try to capture his new-found interest in Norse mythology and the natural world. In 1916 he was awarded a scholarship at University of Oxford.
For centuries, the value of horses was known to farming and working communities, but it was not until very recently in history that people began to see the value of a horse for the disabled and mentally handicapped. Hippotherapy, as defined by Barbara Smith, is “the use of the horse as a medical treatment strategy and not as a method to teach riding.” Dozens of studies show the effectiveness or non-effectiveness of this specialized therapy for certain disorders. The horse provides a stepping stone to well-being for people with debilitating illnesses that otherwise could not achieve optimal wellness through conventional therapies.
Throughout history, women have had to fight for equality with men in the world. Today sexism continues to be a problem and women are still not completely treated the same way men are. Sexism is defined as discrimination or devaluation based on a person's sex (“”). Recently, the music industry shows sexism towards female artists. This not only allows male artists to have a more likely chance of being respected, but also affects the views audiences have on female artists. Sexism is shown in the music industry towards female artists.
Firstly, based on the profitability, P&G has earned higher profit from each dollar of revenue which is 13.4% compared to C-P 12.9% for the recent year 2013. In addition, P&G also has higher EPS of US$4.04 compare to C-P US$2.41. In contrast, C-P register a Gross Profit of 58.7% and Return on Equity of 91.0% as opposed to P&G’s 49.6% and 17.0% respectively. C-P seems to rely heavily on debt and this has helped to improve the Return of Equity. P&G also has its downside in asset turnover ratio (0.62) and fixed turnover
Satisfaction: A Conceptual Relationship. International Journal of Management Research and Reviews, 3(5), 2855-2862. Retrieved from
Research is systematic way to find out facts and knowledge as Kothari (2006) has analyzed that research is the pursuit of truth with the help of study, observation, comparison and experiment; the search for knowledge through objective and systematic method of finding solutions to a problem. However there are two types of researches one is by Purpose and other is by method. The type by purpose falls into three categorize such as Basic, Applied and Action Research.
Research which is also known as the search for knowledge is an art of scientific search for specific information. According to Clifford Woody, the research includes defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis and suggested solutions, collecting, organising and evaluating data, making deductions and reaching conclusion and further testing whether the conclusion will fit into formulating hypothesis. Research Methodology is a scientific and systematic way of finding solution to a problem. In this research, researcher has studied various steps for research like problem along with the logic behind them. For this study, researcher must know various research techniques like mean, mode,
The Importance and Appropriateness of Utilizing Different Methodologies for Research. Introduction The process of research entails the logical as well as systematic search for useful data and information with regard to a specific topic (Jha, 2008). It is also comprised of the investigation of the best, most cost effective and appropriate solutions to both social and scientific issues, following an objective and logical analysis. Jha (2008) defines research as the search for knowledge and the discovery of the truth.
After establishing the research problem and what results are wanted, it will define how it will find the answers. Research is a form of collection and interpretation of information that will form the basis of finding answers to questions. The research uses theories and methods that h...
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