Required School Uniforms

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Title: Required School uniforms help reduce violence detter bullying all while improving academics

According to the National center for Education statistics (NCES), “about 20 percent of public schools in the United States required uniforms in 2013-2014-up from almost twelve percent in 1999-2000”.As Ordway talks about how uniforms all started she talks about how the main focus of uniforms is not only to deter violence on school grounds but to help build up students confidence and academics.”However, the NCES website also claims that decades ago,uniforms were mostly worn by students who went to private school or parochial schools.But as public schools nationwide have focused more on improving standardized test scores and campus safety, a growing …show more content…

According to a “national survey reported on are staggering”.”28 % of students in this survey reported that in the last six months they had been bullied either verbally or physically’’,”60 % of students who were identified as bullies in grades 6-9 went on at least one criminal conviction by the time they turned 24”.”School intervention programs (which include school uniforms) are reported at reducing bullying by 30-50%”.(Kristy). “Principals are charged with developing and maintaining a positive and safe school pop culture,”said Gail Connelly,NAESP executive director.”We know that a school uniform policy can help reduce instances of classroom discipline and bullying,as well as improve student safety and attendance. The use of school uniforms,whether in public or private schools,has a powerful influence on school culture in ways that contribute to greater levels of student achievement.” “ Another reason for the rise of school uniforms could be the budgetary benefits they offer parents,especially in the current state of the down economy. Of the school leaders surveyed with a uniform or formal dress code in place,77 percent estimated the average cost of school uniforms per child,per year was, was 150$ or less. With that said, it was not surprising to uncover that eight out of 10 survey respondents (86 Percent) believed one of the main benefits to parents is that school uniforms are most cost effective than regular apparel”.(Tucker) However students might not realize the significance that required school uniforms hold as a result required uniforms not only cost less they also help

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