Remuneration Committee Essay

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The Remuneration Committee

Primary Role:

The Remuneration committee should help the board of directors in its responsibility for setting remuneration policies that are in line with the company’s long-term interests. The committee deliberates on and recommends remuneration policies for all employee levels in the company, but it should pay special attention to the remuneration of the company’s senior executives and the remuneration of non-executive directors on the board.

The remuneration committee should ensure that the remuneration report on the remuneration for directors and senior executives is simple to read and understand, accurate, and complete. The committee should also ensure that an effective remuneration policy is in place that is aligned with the company’s long-term strategy, and is applied consistently throughout the company at all employee levels. The remuneration policy should be presented to the board for approval and should undergo a shareholder vote at the annual general meeting.


The remuneration committee needs a clear mandate. The mandate should define the overall purpose and objectives of the committee. It should provide a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the committee. It should set out the requirements for its composition, meeting procedures, delegations of authority and the evaluation of its effectiveness. The mandate should be reviewed periodically to ensure that the remuneration committee’s objectives are being met. The mandate should be also be amended when necessary to adjust to the changing needs of the business.

The Composition of the Remuneration Committee:

It is recommended that the remuneration committee comprises of at least 3 members, all of whom sh...

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...takeholder communication.
- Formulate recommendations on fees for non-executive directors for next financial year.


- Communicate with stakeholders at the Annual General Meeting

Quarter 3:

- Review of incentive plans.
- Review on the effectiveness of the remuneration committee.
- Review of the effectiveness of the advice from internal and external parties.
- Review of the effectiveness of the remunerations policies and systems.
- Review objectives and measure for annual incentive plan.
- Review succession plan including new senior level appointments and resignations.
- Review of company’s retirement plans.

Quarter 4:

- Reviewing external competitiveness of pay for benchmarking purposes.
- Get advice from external advisors or HR regarding remuneration trends.
- Agree on a mandate for wage negotiations.
- Discussion on performance of executive directors

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