Religiosity Essay

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As a Christian, I go to church on Sunday and I believe in heaven as a holy place where I can meet God after my physical body dies. Every day I follow the Holy Spirit inside me, and I know I am forgiven for all of my sins as long as I act by the teachings of God. But besides all of these benefits for my spiritual body, what are some effects on my physical and mental health from religiosity? There are definitely effects on my well being from religiosity according to a study conducted by Yoshiomi Imamura and his colleagues researching the relationship between the belief after death and the well being in a group of elders in rural Japan. Many studies have been done in the Western hemisphere to show the beneficial relationship between religiosity …show more content…

Yes is 1 point and no is 0 point. This measure is predicted to be a possible confounder that might affect the relationship of religiosity and the state of well being. The last two measures Stable satisfaction and Positive Satisfaction have total of 10 questions that are originated from the something to live for and life satisfaction (SLLS) scale. These questions are graded on a 4-point scale, which 1 being ‘not at all’ and 4 being ‘very much.’ Through these two measures, the score reflects the well being of the individual; higher score means higher satisfaction of life. sMHPG is collected between 9 am to 3 pm using Salivette, and then analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The level of the sMHPG is expressed with the unit nanograms per …show more content…

I think the relationship of religiosity and the well-being of our lives are changing through time with us. Although this study only focuses on elders, I am connected with this paper because I hold belief in religion too. Ever since the babies start to learn how to speak, religions could have affected them in some way when they learn. However, through the development of our whole lives, the beliefs we hold affect us differently. For example, I might get more benefits for my health from my strong belief when I am older, but it might not be the case for another person who holds a belief in an equivalent strength as I do. The belief and its effect develop with our lives, so I think this study can be related to the area of developmental

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