Relationships In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill A Mockingbird
“You aren’t a nigger-lover, then, are you?” “I certainly am. I do my best to love everybody…” (Lee 108). While Atticus Finch tries to teach his children that all men are created equal, not everyone in Maycomb, Alabama feels that way. To Kill A Mockingbird is a story told from the perspective of Jean Louise “Scout” Finch, whose family is constantly criticised because of her father’s choice to defend a black man in court. In the 1930’s white men and women felt they were superior to colored people, they talked of how Atticus Finch was ruining his family’s name by defending a negro. The story, To Kill A Mockingbird, is a story about the prejudice the people of Maycomb County had towards one another. One of the major ways …show more content…

One of the many examples of this is when Scout and Jem’s cousin Francis teases Scout about her father’s involvement in the upcoming case. Francis yells, “He’s nothin’ but a nigger-lover!”(Lee 84). Even though this isn’t the first time Scout was teased about her father’s job, it’s one of the most significant because of her reaction and because of the fact that it came from her own family. Francis was repeating what he had heard Aunt Alexandra say about her brother, even if she didn’t use those exact words. Even though the kids aren’t being made fun of directly, it hurts just as much to hear their dad being criticized and made fun, especially when they don’t have the power to stop it. An example of an adult teasing the kids can be found on page 102 when Mrs. Dubose yells, “Your father’s no better than the niggers and trash he works for!”(Lee). Scout often talks about the hateful, nasty things that Mrs. Dubose called to the children as they walked by her house on the way into town, but this is one thing she said that pushed it over the edge causing Jem to destroy her flowers. It was one thing to say that Atticus was a nigger-lover, but saying that he was no better than a black man was entirely more offensive and hurtful. To Atticus it didn’t matter because he believed all men were created equal, but the kids didn’t understand that you could have your own beliefs, they just knew that being called the equivalent to a black man was one of the worst things anyone could say about

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