Relationships In Romeo And Juliet

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Relationships are a common thing in a person’s life and most of us have been in quite a few. In William Shakespeare’s play, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, and in real life relationships are not always the same. Three types of relationships shown in both the play and experienced by individuals in real life are romantic couple, mentor and mentee, and friends. These relationships are important because each relationship can have a different impact on a person’s life and decisions.
The romantic couple, one of the important relationships, has certain rules or characteristics. They are a commitment, trustworthiness, a good level of communication, and the consideration of each other’s ideas. In the play Romeo describes love during I.i.189, Romeo says “Being vexed, a sea nourished with loving tears.”. When Romeo says this he means that love can get you mad and will make you cry with a bit of an exaggeration that you will have an ocean of tears. Our view of love is similar because when you are sad you cry and love makes people sad sometimes. In real life, a romantic relationship also shares the same characteristics like my parents for example who have been in a successful relationship for over twenty years which …show more content…

The best example of a mentor and mentee relationship is Friar Laurence and Romeo. Friar Laurence is one of the major parts of Romeo’s life giving him advice and comforting him in his time of need like in II.iii.81 “For doting, not for loving, pupil mine.” and II.iii.94 “Wisely and slowly. They stumble that run fast.”. These lines show Friar Laurence giving Romeo a few words of wisdom about Romeo’s way of love. In real life, mentors might not give advice on love but they have many wise things to say just like Friar Laurence that can guide you through your time of

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