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Globalization and the effects on organizations
Challenges and opportunities for organizational behavior responding to globalization
Globalization and the effects on organizations
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In this paper, we would compare and contrast two countries Turkey and U.S.A according to practices of organizational behavior. First of all, I would to speak about globalization because globalization has affected organizational behavior. We speak over fifty years about globalization. What is it globalization and what is the relationship between globalization and organizational behavior? Globalization is the integration of international market and other cultures with global economy. There is no board and businesses are across the world so that the relationship between cultures, society, politics and business are affected each other. Therefore, globalization has changed the element of management, leadership, communication, motivation, diversity and teams that demonstrate the relationship between organizational behavior and globalization. Of course, all countries are not affected by globalization same size. Some countries have main differences such as culture, religion, region and other beliefs. An analyze of organizational behavior practices between America and Turkey will be interest because there is very limited resemblance. Although we can be considered more collectivist, American have a more individualism that is why we have the most important …show more content…
Although America has a large diversity I can say that there almost none diversity in my country. America is based on diversity and human being moved to America from different continentals. For example, we classify the human being in America as white, black, Hispanic and Asian. In Turkey we don’t have diversity according ethnic. Only last five years, three Million refuges came to Turkey but they want to go European countries in the reality and Turkey is only a station for refuges. Maybe this situation can be changed in the future. There is not large diversity in Turkey such as in America that is big different between both
Globalization can be defined as “making worldwide in scope or application”(1). In this comparison of the global corporate culture of Northwest Airlines and American Airlines several areas will be addressed. The strength of the global culture with-in the companies. The fit of the company to the global marketplace, and the adaptive ness or the empowerment of the employees will be examined and compared. Perhaps more important, than whether they currently have a global atmosphere, is whether they can improve or create this atmosphere. A comparison between the two airlines will be made on their mission statements, information dissemination, global-mindedness, career paths, and the use of cultural differences as an asset and if a worldwide training system is in place. A conclusion will then be made as to which corporation has the best organizational composition to compete in the global market.
The world we live in today is going through enormous changes in economics, technology, culture, politics, etc. The effects of the changes are not so clear, since it is hard to predict how each sector would affect the other and how society will be affected. However, analyzing past and present occurrences provides some information for experts to interpret society’s reaction in the future to different transformations. Globalization can be seen as a process in which societies around the world come together and expand through the combination of different forces. This paper will explore the effects of globalization on US companies, US society and economy, and the implications for other countries in the post-industrial world.
Moorhouse, A. (2005, November). International Management Organizational Behavior. Retrieved October 16, 2008, from University of California Berkley: http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~matran/Files/proKarenLeary.doc
Turkey would base its political and legal systems on the modern secular models as well as strengthening its political relations with the West to reach its goals as a new republic. The goals as expressed by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the leader of the nationalist movement and first president of the Turkish Republic, were "to reach the level of contemporary civilization". To achieve these goals, a doctrine for foreign relations was created; as Atarurk said, "Peace at home, Peace in the world." This has not been an easy task, the history and geographical location of Turkey. It lies at a "crossroads" where the two large continents of Europe and Asia meet. This unique location gives Turkey a very diverse population, Balkan, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, Caucasian and Asian identities.
Constant technological and global changes create challenges that forces leaders to manage different cultures in different countries. People, goods, services, and ideas are moving today at greater speeds which mean our labor force is becoming more diverse and multicultural by the day. Effective leaders need to understand such global dynamics in order to successfully manage organizational cultures. The cultures of leaders and their core assumptions might be different from the values and assumptions of employees in a different country. Two managers working for the same global company might see things differently due to their backgrounds and cultural values. The different countries, in which the organization operates, will have different cultures depending on the social, economic, and political history of the country. Managing and understanding these differences need an effective cross-cultural thinking leader (Yukl, 2013). Some research questions that Yukl, 2013 suggests are: 1) how behavior differs across cultural values and for different countries? 2) How values and behaviors are influenced by personality across company and country? 3) What types of traits, skills, and experience are most useful to prepare a leader being assigned to a new country? 4) How does the fast-changing culture in developing countries affect and relate to
In the article, Cultural constraints in management theories, Geert Hofstede examines business management around the globe from a cultural perspective. He explains how he believes there are no universal practices when it comes to management and offers examples from the US, Germany, France, Japan, Holland, China and Russia. He demonstrates how business management theories and practices are very much subject to cultural norms and values and by understanding these differences, it can give managers an advantage in global business practices.
The Hofstede model of national culture differences, based on research carried out in the early seventies, is the first major study to receive worldwide attention. This influential model of cultural traits identifies five dimensions of culture that help to explain how and why people from various cultures behave as they do. According to Hofstede (1997) culture is Ù[ collective programming of the mind? This referring to a set of assumptions, beliefs, values and practices that a group of people has condoned as a result of the history of their engagements with one another and their environment over time. In this study, culture refers to a set of core values and behavioural patterns people have due to socialisation to a certain culture. The author̼ theoretical framework will be applied to compare differing management practices in China and the West. The five measurements of culture identified by the author are:
Miroshnik, V. (2002). Culture and international management: a review' The Journal of Management Development 21(7): 521-544
Nowadays, the phenomenon of globalization has massively affected the social and cultural values and has made an assembled standard of uniqueness and obstacles. Moreover, international organizations such as multinational companies, corporate brandings, non-governmental organizations, and global media play a critical part by quickening communications among social societies worldwide (Ghodrati, Joorabchi & Muati, 2015). Especially for the effect of globalization, world has started become more culturally diverse and incorporated each and another. In today’s workplace, a constructive effect of cultural diversity in the work environment is that employees having a place
With the proliferation of the internet international Business transactions are more common today than ever. Globalization is now a key factor when creating a business strategy for most companies whether they are small family own businesses or huge corporations. Globalization however does not just involve selling a product in other countries. There are legal and cultural concerns that must be addressed. The legal aspects are fairly simple because in most places the laws are spelled out. It's the local customs, and regional way of doing things that can be tricky. Research on globalization has shown that it is not an omnipotent, unidirectional force leveling everything in its path. Because a global culture does not exist, any search for it would be futile. It is more fruitful to instead focus on particular aspects of life that are indeed affected by the globalizing process. (1). In this new economy, as it has been in the past, it will be the people not the machines who will determine a company's success. Having an effective Human Resource Management team that effectively analyze your company's current and future personnel needs is key in any business organization.
To be successful in today’s global market, managers and leaders need to understand more than just technical skills. Managers and leaders should also understand globalization and organizational behavior. Globalization is the tendency of businesses, technologies, or philosophies to spread throughout the world, or the process of making this happen. The global economy is sometimes referred to as a globality, characterized as a totally interconnected marketplace, unhampered by time zones or national boundaries (Search CIO). Organizational behavior is a field of study that studies individuals groups, and structure. Organizational behavior applies the knowledge gained about individuals, groups, and the effect of structure on behavior in order to make organizations work more effectively (Robbins,2014).Gaining an understanding of globalization and its effect on organizational behavior is crucial to interacting effectively in the modern global economy. Globalization affects an organization’s behavior in several ways like stimulating hyper competitive pricing for a product or service, perpetuating continuous operations and communicating around the clock and globe, capitalism is replacing governmental control and organizations are no longer constrained by borders, and corporations are becoming more heterogeneous and adapting to people who are from different nationalities and cultures. To be successful in a global economy, professionals should have a thorough knowledge of sociology, psychology, communication, and management.
Globalization is the increasing interconnectedness of people, places, and cultures throughout the world today. The effects of this homogenizing process that we call globalization can be seen in all aspects of life. From McDonalds being in almost every country, to the majority of North American clothes being made in periphery countries, to the technological ability that allows us to instantly communicate with people anywhere in the world, the effects are everywhere. Economically today, globalization has had both positive and negative effects around the world, with many similarities to colonization. Globalization has also led to increased poverty amongst the global periphery, and a specific group of winners and losers within this process of globalization.
Effective communication abroad can be difficult to achieve because of the lack of understanding between different cultures. But there are many companies out there who are effectively promoting their products in multiple countries. So, how do they do it? To be able to communicate abroad takes excellent leadership skills from multiple parties.
Using 1997 financial crisis and other examples, discuss how globalization is important to the modern business journalism. Introduction
Globalization has been a start of a new modernized era in history. The source states that as an individual you are given prosperity, stability, and also predictability, and also points out that it helps developing countries modernize and catch up with developed countries, and also reduce poverty since new businesses are formed allowing more employment in the country due to the subsidies that wealthier countries give to them. The person who wrote this source is a pro globalist, and has probably experienced the prosperity that was given to them because of the global trading system. His perspective on globalization suggests that globalization is the key to advancing technology, good relations between countries, and is beneficial event in history. One should embrace the global economy as it creates many roads to achieve your goals in your life, and also for the weaker countries that needs support, but to a degree that the government can intervene with the market.