Relationship Between Frankenstein and the Creature

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Relationship Between Frankenstein and the Creature

Gothic novels are written mainly to strike fear in their readers; they

also served to show the dark side of human nature. Nature is used

often to create atmosphere. It predicts forthcoming events (e.g. the

rainstorm on Victor’s wedding night foretells something evil is about

to occur).

A typical gothic tradition is the eerie atmosphere of Frankenstein.

Victor, unafraid of the dark, spends his time in vaults and charnel

houses. He visits the cemeteries at night, and such details as the

creaking doors, the soft blowing of the wind in the still of the night

and the quiet footsteps in the house all succeeds as a gothic horror

or even a ghost story.

Another element is sickness. Throughout Frankenstein, several

characters grow sick during periods of extreme stress. Sickness serves

as an escape from life’s harsh reality. It also seems to foretell

horrible future events. Science fiction explores the wonders of

discovery and achievement that may result from future developments in

science and technology. Mary Shelley, who used some of the most recent

technological finding of her time, created Frankenstein.

Frankenstein is the story of a man doomed to failure and death for his

desire to create a being so destructive, in human form that he cannot

control. Victor Frankenstein abandons to take responsibility for his

creation, resulting in the murder of his most loved ones as the

creature’s revenge. Frankenstein is disgraced with his own creation

and is unable to predict the drastic effects of giving life to a being

that could never be entirely accepted by human society. Lastly,


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... with Frankenstein telling us, or Walton, how he had

reached the boat the story then concludes in a serried of letters,

just like the story began.

In conclusion I had felt sorry for the creature, throughout the story

because he had to go from being something that had been created to

something that had to learn to live with humans. Also the creature had

only demanded one thing from Frankenstein who had promised him this,

but then abruptly changed his mind. Frankenstein should have made more

of an effort to see the creature’s point of view and how he was

feeling. Mary Shelly generates the relationship between the creature

and Frankenstein as dramatic and as interesting for a modern reader,

because it is similar to a modern relationship between 2 people. There

are always ups and downs, lies and promises that are broken.

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